经过大概三个月的沉寂之后,《狡狐大冒险4:岁月神偷(Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time)》终于再次和玩家们见面,公布了最新一批游戏截图。 此次新作由Sanzaru Games开发,而不是该系列前3部作品PS2的开发商Sucker Punch Productions。此次的主角Sly 能够进行时空穿越,见到他很多的祖先。 《狡狐大冒险4》预计在今年秋天放出,...
Sly Cooper..说起狡狐大冒险也算是个有年头的系列了,上一作出在了PS3发布的前一年所以这一座是登录PS3的第一作也有可能是最后一作据大家所知狡狐1~3都是由无名英雄系列的Sucker Punch开发的但是这一作是由
大冒险 4:岁月神偷Sly 4 / Sly 4 / Sly Cooper: Chasing Time / Sly Cooper: Jagd durch die Zeit / Sly Cooper: Ladri nel Tempo / Sly Cooper: Voleurs à travers le temps / Sly Cooper: Złodzieje w czasie / Sly Cooper: ПрыжокВоВремениSly Cooper: Thieves in Time...
Timenapped 2:03 39 Breakout 2:35 40 Forty Thieves 2:57 41 Fox Trot 1:35 42 Ms. Decibel 1:14 43 Taxi Shop 2:19 44 Stop That Blimp 1:35 45 Ms. Decibel Comes to Town 1:44 46 Ms. D's Last Stand 1:33 47 Meet Sir Galeth ...
试听 2:03 50 Paradox Defeated 试听 1:43 51 Time Running Out 试听 1:09 52 System Cracker Michael Bricker 试听 4:28 53 Spark Runner Michael Bricker 试听 3:07 54 Alter Ego Michael Bricker 试听 4:02 55 Thieves in Time (Metal Version) Infected Scorpion 试听 2:27 2013...
然而,自从《Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time》这款非Sucker Punch制作的游戏后,该系列就陷入了沉寂,没有新游戏发布。看到这个可爱的系列逐渐被遗忘,尤其是当它有机会加入正在复兴的经典平台游戏浪潮时,这确实令人感到难过。斯莱·库珀被冷落了 长期以来,PlayStation的流媒体服务与微软提供的服务相比显得黯然失色。然而...
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Thieves in Timeis the only game in the series that does not include a paranormal level or villain.Sly Cooper and the Thievius RaccoonushadHaiti,Sly 2: Band of ThieveshadPragueandSly 3: Honor Among Thieveshad theGeneral Tsao's black magic andThe Mask of Dark Earth. ...
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time: Roque Ballesteros, Chris Borders, Jenny Huang, Grady Hunt, Alan Lau, Brad Rau, Bill Spence, Sean Kelly, Satoshi Komuro, Michael L. Mumbauer द्वारा निर्देशित. Kevin Miller, Matt Ols