有点意思,刚刚在一篇文章中读到,海豹突击队的座右铭是:“慢即是稳,稳即是快。” 又查了一下原文,个人以为,这个翻译并没有很好表达英文原意,原句是:“Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.”
慢即是快,slow is fast的出处,或许会超出大家的想象。这个概念最早是由美国海豹突击队和三角洲特种部队[2]提出的,原话是:Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. 在部队作战中,任何一次配合上的小失误,都会造成巨大的人员伤亡。所以在日常训练中,部队教官会严格规范作战小队在执行动作、战术执行、战术配合上的细节,将问...
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast(慢就是稳,稳就是快)。 人生就是这样,找到自己的目标之后,稳步向前,永不停息,直到达到目的地。重要的不是赢在起跑线上,而是赢在终点线上,这才是完美。 û收藏 1 1 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
slow is smooth, smooth is fast 炒股第一步,先开个股票账户 "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast",这是一句出自美军海豹突击队的格言,译成中文可以理解为“慢即稳,稳即快”,这句话是在说,往往不假思索迅速做出反应的人会犯错误。我们也可以称其为“慢则顺,顺则稳”,或某种意义上,你也可以把它理解为“欲...
王兴:Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. 慢就是稳(其实就是安全前行),稳就是快。所以阿段的慢就是快,慢意思其实是稳,稳就是快。
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast: How Slowing Down Can Make Us Better ResearchersKatharine Hanson
蒂姆西·费里斯:No hurry,no pause.不要急,不要停。 这是一个强大的「重置按钮」 「不要急,不要停」这句咒语是Acro Yoga创始人珍妮·绍尔-克莱恩介绍给我的。我惯常会把这句话经写在笔记本的顶部,作为我的日常提醒。作家德里克·塞弗斯(Derek Sivers)也曾经这样写道:你不需要在生活中总是面红耳赤、气喘吁吁...
See Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast's production, company, and contact information. Explore Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainm
If you have been on the job for more than 5 years then you have likely heard the tactical training concept, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. I've been on our SWAT team for nearly 13 years, and I heard this saying early on in my training experience. I…
Sergeant Zackary came to me and said, “Ya know, Sir, I had a good friend in Special Forces. He always said that when there were too many things going on at once and things seemed to be getting out of control, he would stick to their motto, ‘Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.’”...