作者: Deepseek: 海豹突击队的座右铭 "Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast."(慢即流畅,流畅即快)是一种强调效率与精准的哲学,其核心含义可以通过以下几点理解: 1. 表象矛盾,实则统一看似悖论:表面上看“慢”与“快”对立,但关键在于中间的“流畅(smooth)”。 深层逻辑:刻意放慢节奏(slow)是为了避免仓促导致...
"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast",这是一句出自美军海豹突击队的格言,译成中文可以理解为“慢即稳,稳即快”,这句话是在说,往往不假思索迅速做出反应的人会犯错误。我们也可以称其为“慢则顺,顺则稳”,或某种意义上,你也可以把它理解为“欲速则不达”。 看k线什么的固然重要,要知道技术只是很基础的东西...
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast(慢就是稳,稳就是快)。 人生就是这样,找到自己的目标之后,稳步向前,永不停息,直到达到目的地。重要的不是赢在起跑线上,而是赢在终点线上,这才是完美。 û收藏 1 1 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
王兴:Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. 慢就是稳(其实就是安全前行),稳就是快。 所以阿段的慢就是快,慢意思其实是稳,稳就是快。 全部讨论 现在看应该改为一开始慢是为了寻找持续,找到持续就是快。
作家德里克·塞弗斯(Derek Sivers)也曾经这样写道:你不需要在生活中总是面红耳赤、气喘吁吁、吃力不讨好;你可以平稳地、慢慢地、一步接一步这样走着,随之自然收获到95%你想要的东西。一位前海豹突击队的朋友最近给我分享了一条他们的训练原则:「慢即流畅,流畅则迅捷。(Slowis smooth.Smooth is fast.)...
If you have been on the job for more than 5 years then you have likely heard the tactical training concept, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. I've been on our SWAT team for nearly 13 years, and I heard this saying early on in my training experience. I…
slow is smooth什么意思?slow is smooth慢就是稳 双语例句1Aiming at the slow convergent rate of standard Q-learning, multi-step on-policy SARSA(λ) reinforcement algorithm is adopted. This algorithm has some characters of faster convergent rate, smooth running track and safer training ...
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast: How Slowing Down Can Make Us Better ResearchersKatharine Hanson
For a region where poverty is the highest in the world, the need to develop sustainable microlending schemes is of paramount importance if Sub-Saharan Africa is to eradicate poverty. Over the last twenty years, donor agencies had been the key drivers in the...关键词:...
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