In the food chain of sloths, the sun is the overall source of energy. Producers are plants that take energy from the sun and prepare their food itself through photosynthesis. Primary Consumers are the sloths and eat the leaves, buds, and twigs of the trees they live in. Secondary Consumers...
The Illegal Traffic in Sloths and Threats to Their Survival in Colombia. Edentata 2006, 7, 10. [CrossRef] Animals 2018, 8, 216 12 of 12 36. Castro-Vásquez, A.L.; Meza, M.; Plese, T.; Moreno-mora, S.; Castro-vásquez, L. Activity Patterns, Preference and use of Floristic ...
M. 2006. Chasing Behavior in Yellow Armadillos, Euphractus sexcinctus, in the Brazilian Pantanal. Edentata 7: 51- 53.Desbiez ALJ, Lima Borges PA, Medri IM. Chasing behavior in yellow armadillos, Euphractus sexcinctus, in the Brazilian Pantanal. E...
Rocha FL, Mourao G 2006 - An Agonistic Encounter Between Two Giant Anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) - Edentata 7: p50-51.Rocha, F. & G. Mourão. 2006 . An agonistic encounter between two giant anteaters ( Myrmecophaga tridactyla ). Edentata 7...