023 How I unlearned dangerous lessons about masculinity Eldra Jackson 11:23 022 How does income affect childhood brain development Kimberly Noble 11:48 021 How do we learn to work with intelligent machines Matt Beane 09:51 020 How centuries of sci-fi sparked spaceflight Alex MacDonald 13:...
023 How I unlearned dangerous lessons about masculinity Eldra Jackson 11:23 024 How I'm making bricks out of ashes and rubble in Gaza Majd Mashharawi 10:46 025 How storytelling helps parents in prison stay connected to their kids Alan 15:30 026 How to break bad management habits befor...
Thanks to Pinterest and ridiculously over-hyped and dangerousgender reveal parties, baby showers can be expensive and polarizing. First of all, some showers are just ridiculous. Sorry friends, but I don’t want toplay a gamethat makes me guess what melted chocolate bar is in the “poopy” d...
Migratingbirdscan bring along some dangerous stowaways during their epic travels–ticks. These blood sucking arachnids can carry serious pathogens includingLyme disease, Anaplasmosis, andPowassan virus infection. Now, the ticks that hitch a ride on birds may be spreading easier and establishing themsel...
Most speciesof scorpion will only cause minor pain and irritation if they sting you. Cousins to spiders, mites, and ticks, only 50 specieshave venom powerful enoughto be dangerous to humans. Luckily, only one species in the U.S. poses a danger:the bark scorpionfound in southern Arizona and...
How does a squirrel take on a dangerous rattle snake ? The planet is overrun with bugs because they are so adaptable, and are able to multiply at speed. S1.E20 ∙ Parrots, Eels and Pandas Some parrots can talk but do they really know what they're talking about? Most bears are ...
Before its opening in 1914, boats looking to cross betweenthe Atlantic and Pacific had to sail below South America, heading around Cape Horn at the tip of Chilean Patagonia in an extremely dangerous and time-consuming journey. That passage killed an estimated 10,000 seamen from the time Dutch...
How dangerous is coccidiosis? What kind of selection is involved in coevolution? What are some examples of coevolution? How was 'Oumuamua formed? Where does schistosomiasis occur? How common is anisakiasis? How common is coprolite? How are endoparasites transmitted? How can the midbrain be act...
Consider the following scenarios in which you want to describe something wonderful, identify something dangerous, or discover something new. During a recent outing to a wildlife zoo, you saw some native wildlife and were asked later what you saw and which animals you liked best. ...
visible in the form of yellow-green or reddish scum that floats on the surface of the pond. The most dangerous thing about this type of algae bloom is that if the algae suddenly die, the dead matter will cause the oxygen levels of the pond to sink dramatically as it decomposes. Algae ...