Need help to create a new slido on a ppt where another slido created a slido then deleted it. Hi Everyone,I’m very new to Slido. I’m working on a ppt where someone else previously created slido’s then deleted them from the ppt. I want to create new slidos within the same ppt ...
When using the PPT and Webex together with Slido, you will need to input the Slido polls into PPT directly (as it seems you have done) but the upload PPT deck into Webex is not compatible with Slido in this way. You will need to click on Apps > Slido > Link the respective slido to...
一款可以在幻灯片中进行问答互动的PPT插件,需要联网、付费才能使用 数据统计 数据评估 Slido浏览人数已经达到3,402,如你需要查询该站的相关权重信息,可以点击"5118数据""爱站数据""Chinaz数据"进入;以目前的网站数据参考,建议大家请以爱站数据为准,更多网站价值评估因素如:Slido的访问速度、搜索引擎收录以及索引量、用...
slido 国内被墙了,或者访问很慢,国内用平替产品吧,用手感互动,功能一样,速度快,不被墙,还免费 ...
4. 文档共享:用户可以通过BigMarker共享文档、图片、PPT等文件,方便参与者查看和下载。 5. 投票和调查:BigMarker支持投票和调查功能,用户可以在会议中进行实时投票和调查,了解参与者的意见和反馈。 6. 聊天和问答:用户可以通过聊天和问答功能与其他参与者实时交流,方便讨论和解答问题。 7. 坐标图:BigMarker提供坐标图...
使用这个免费的 pitch deck 模板吸引投资者的注意力并获得资金。此模板非常适合展示您的开创性产品或服务,可帮助您概述基本要素:您的使命、商业计划、上市策略和团队,所有这些都在深入研究更精细的细节之前完成。 – 高亮显示 6...
知道有一个islide插件 你说的这个还把太清楚。
I am trying to revise a PPT last used in 2022. It had a slido poll integrated at the time, and I have since used slido in other presentations but not this one. I have reinstalled slido from the website (and logged in to my university account. Everything looks fine on the website....
When I’m delivering training in Teams (I’m an external trainer), the PPT presentation goes to full screen which means that I can’t see chat or the people in the meeting. How can I stop it doing this? P Pili MalagarrigaNew Participant ...
一款可以在幻灯片中进行问答互动的PPT插件,需要联网、付费才能使用 A PPT plug-in that can be used for question-and-answer interaction in slides, which requires networking and payment. Slido的收录查询 Slido的最新快照 相关标签 数据评估 Slido浏览人数已经达到0,如你需要查询该站的相关权重信息,可以点击"511...