Slido for Windows currently doesn’t support proxy authentication of any kind. The processes --Powerpnt.exe,Slido.exeandCefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exeneed to be able to run and connect to the following domains in order for the Slido add-in in PowerPoint to function properly: * *.sli...
When using the PPT and Webex together with Slido, you will need to input the Slido polls into PPT directly (as it seems you have done) but the upload PPT deck into Webex is not compatible with Slido in this way. You will need to click on Apps > Slido > Link the respective slido to...
aspinl1 asked inSlido for PowerPoint Need help to create a new slido on a ppt where another slido created a slido then deleted it. Hi Everyone,I’m very new to Slido. I’m working on a ppt where someone else previously created slido’s then deleted them from the ppt. I want to cre...