The investigated factors (Exposure) were used Disease Code; "sleep-wake disorder (ICD-10 code G47)'' in Medical Non- Hospitalization Receipt. As "Comparison" subject, medical claims with no disease code for sleep disorder (G47) of Medical Non-Hospitalization Receipt was used. For the Outcome...
Sensory Processing Disorder and Sleep: Resolving the Struggles for Restful Nights Do you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout... December 6, 2023 Understanding DSM-5 Sleep Disorders and How We Can Help An estimated 50-70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep... ...
it has been hypothesized that the hypersomnia is related to greater REM sleep. This hypothesis was tested by using a MSLT to compare bipolar affective disorder with narcolepsy, a well-
A pivotal study by Frank Scheer’s team provided clear evidence that misaligned sleep–wake cycles and fasting–eating cycles impair glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and blood pressure, highlighting the importance of synchronizing lifestyles with our internal biological clocks. Ioannis G. Lempesis ...
Among them, the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-protein kinase A signaling-cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) pathway has been reported to play an important role in sleep-wake control, hippocampal neuronal plasticity, and memory processes....
The risk of increased health care utilization among children with a chronic medical condition is higher for those who also have a sleep disorder, according to a new study that examined Medicaid claims data.
1,2 Circadian rhythms affect a wide spectrum of human physiology, including cycles in body temperature and sleep-wake patterns. Chronotype, the preference for morningness or eveningness, is a correlate of circadian rhythms and an individual’s propensity for earlier or later timing for sleep and ...
Introduction Morning diurnal preference (ie, a preference for early sleep timing), a correlate of circadian rhythms and homeostatic sleep-wake regulation, has emerged as a potentially modifiable1 protective factor for major depressive disorder (MDD) risk,2 with supporting evidence from observational3-6...
Participants answered the following questions: “Do you have difficulties falling asleep at night?”, (hereafter referred to as ‘difficulty initiating sleep’, DIS); and “Do you often wake up in early hours, unable to get back to sleep?”, (hereafter referred to as ‘early morning awakening...
Higher deep sleep percentage (per percent) was also associated with lower odds of atrial fibrillation (0.87; 0.81–0.93), major depressive disorder (0.93; 0.91–0.96) and anxiety disorder (0.94; 0.91–0.97). When comparing participants with sleep onset proportion greater and less than the median...