Sensory Processing Disorder and Sleep: Resolving the Struggles for Restful Nights Do you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout... December 6, 2023 Understanding DSM-5 Sleep Disorders and How We Can Help An estimated 50-70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep... ...
F50.9 Eating disorder, unspecified F51 Non-organic sleep disorders F51.0 Non-organic insomnia F51.1 Non-organic hypersomnia F51.2 Non-organic disorder of the sleep-wake schedule F51.3 Sleepwalking (somnambulism) F51.4 Sleep terrors (night terrors) F51.5 Nightmares F51.8 Other non-organic sleeps dis...
修订的主要内容•ICD-11精神、行为或神经发育障碍分类的主 要变化•小结 2021/4/26 2 概述 •ICD是WHO疾病分类家族的核心成员,其现行的版本为1992年发布的第10版(ICD-10),目前WHO正在对其进行修订;•修订原则:“建立和修订必要的疾病、死亡原因和公共卫生国际术语”及“规范必要的诊断程序”。•修订...
SleepHyperkinetic disorderADHDChildrenThis study aimed primarily to compare the parent-reported sleep of children with ICD-10 hyperkinetic disorder (HKD) versus community children. Thirty children aged 5–13 years (83.3 % boys) diagnosed with HKD by their child and adolescent psychiatrists took...
原归于“冲动控制障碍”的赌博障碍(gambling disorder)和游戏障碍(gaming disorder)纳入“成瘾行为所致障碍”(disorders due to addictive behaviours)。 扩展ICD-10中的“使用精神活性物质所致的精神及行为障碍”为“物质使用所致障碍”,以这两类疾病群组成“物质使用和成瘾行为所致障碍”(disorders due to substance ...
(与DSM-5类似)• “排泄障碍”(elimination disorders)由 ICD-10“通常起病于童年与少年期的行为与情绪”中的“非器质性遗尿和遗粪”而来。 38 • 3.新增节:“做作障碍”(factitious disorders)为ICD-11中新增的诊断单元,并自成一节,包括“对自身的做作障碍”(factitious disorder imposed on self)、“对...
(与DSM-5类似)“排泄障碍”(elimination disorders)由ICD-10“通常起病于童年与少年期的行为与情绪”中的“非器质性遗尿和遗粪”而来。422021/4/26 3.新增节:“做作障碍”(factitious disorders)为ICD-11中新增的诊断单元,并自成一节,包括“对自身的做作障碍”(factitious disorder imposed on self 25、)、“...
包括: 分裂型人格障碍不包括: 孤独症谱系障碍(6A02)人格障碍(6D10) 6A23 急性而短暂的精神病性障碍Acute and transient psychotic disorder 急性而短暂的精神病性障碍,表现为急性起病的、无前驱期精神病性症状,在2周内达到最严重的程度。症状可包括妄想、幻觉、思维过程的紊乱、意识模糊或混乱、情感心境的紊乱等。
(situational anxiety, acute panic attacks by US20080038363; opioid or opioid-like drug abuse by US20150246055; autism spectrum disorder by WO2017180781); diseases of the digestive system (aphthous ulcers by US5362737; irritable bowel syndrome by US8748488); sleep-wake disorders (sexual dysfunction ...