The sleep problems of caregivers should also be included in the treatment to optimise the patient's quality of life.doi:10.1007/978-3-030-77904-7_11G. MayerH. FrohnhofenManagement of Patients with Dementia
Even after adjusting for risk factors such as age anddepression, the researchers found that people with excessive daytime sleepiness and an overall lack of enthusiasm were more than three times as likely to develop MCR compared to people who didn’t have those sleep-related problems. “Our findin...
Sometimes these difficulties can be extreme. We recently saw an individual with dementia whose family asked us to prescribe sleeping pills because they were up every night at 3 a.m. in the morning. It turned out, however, the problem was that they were going to bed at 7 p.m., so...
Dementia: Sleep deprivation makes it harder for your brain to get rid of toxins, including some that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Chronically not sleeping well also speeds up age-related memory problems. In fact, one study analyzed MRI data from 134 healthy volunteers (average age ...
Depression and anxiety can also trigger sleep problems, including trouble falling or staying asleep. The opposite may also happen: You may end up sleeping more than normal. Treating your anxiety or depression with therapy, medication, or both can help you get the sleep you need. Research shows...
Senior Sleep Problems: Challenges Older Adults Face Poor sleep is a common problem in the course of aging. While lifestyle or behavioral factors often play a role in how much sleep seniors need and how much they actually get, so too do medical issues and sleep disorders. (9) ...
Loewenstein RJ, Weingartner H, Gillin JC et al (1982) Disturbances of sleep and cognitive functioning in patients with dementia. Neurobiol Aging 3:371 ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar ReynoldsIII CF, Kupfer DJ, Houck PR et al (1988) Reliable discrimination of elderly depressed and demented patients...
Motoric cognitive risk syndrome, or MCR, is marked byslow walking speedand complaints of memory problems among older people who don’t already have dementia or a mobility disability. The risk of developing dementiamore than doublesin those with this syndrome, which was ...
When they fall short of that minimum, the toll can be steep: Studies have linked poor sleep to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease and dementia, as well as mood disorders. Sleep this way to add almost 5 years to your life Despite the risks, more than 30% of adults have a...
The study suggests that both patient and caregiver factors contribute to reported sleep problems in community-dwelling patients with AD, and that caregiver reports and objective sleep assessments frequently may not agree. Treatments should consider these dyadic contributions rather than focusing on ...