关键词(Keywords)是为简化描述和方便引用,用来描述一些特定效果的词语。 关键词 英文名 说明 诅咒 Curse 诅咒牌是留在你牌组中的负面牌。 状态 Status 状态牌在战斗结束时会被移除。 消耗 Exhaust 在战斗结束前被移除出牌组。 虚无 Ethereal 如果这张牌在回合结束时仍然在你的手牌中,它将被消耗。
['name_zhs'] = name, ['isKeywords'] = 1, } local data = mw.huiji.db.find(query)[1] local show = args[2] or args[1] local zhs = data["effects_zhs"] or 'nothing' local Icon = data["image"] or nil local res= "" local showIcon = '' if Icon then showIcon = '[[File...
The official companion app to Slay the Spire: The Board Game. Includes many useful features to enhance your board game experience! Included features: COMPENDIUM: A reference for all of the cards in the game, including player cards, events, items, enemies, and more. Filters and search are inc...
Be the first to contribute.Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page More from this title Taglines Plot keywords Parents guide More to explore Photos Hollywood Power Couples See the...
A collection of keywords and mechanics for other Slay the Spire mods to use. modslaythespireslaythespire-mod UpdatedJul 24, 2024 Java db0/hypnagonia Sponsor Star99 Code Issues Pull requests Therapy through Nightmares gamecard-gamegodotgodot-engineroguelitedeckbuilderslaythespiregodot-card-game-frame...
Replay the Spire Expansion mod for Slay the Spire by The_Evil_Pickle, DecadeDecaf, Bakuhaku, Stewartisme, and Slimer509. (Currently maintained by The_Evil_Pickle) Support this mod at https://www.patreon.com/the_evil_pickle/overview This mod aims to expand upon the base game by adding lot...
Slay the Spire Ascend an evil, living tower in the roguelike deck-building game Slay the Spire. Select from hundreds of different cards and powerful ancient relics as ::Slay the Spire Reviews, News, Descriptions and Walkthrough. Hardware system requireme
Even though this game doesn’t have an Index (and it really should), the back of the rulebook had an invaluable list of Abilities and Keywords.Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of good stuff in the rulebook, but it was too minimal in a few places (For example: a few more ...
Quick Reference provides a handy list of the information you will be using most often, including Icons & Keywords, Turn Order, and Ascenion reference. The Boss HP Tracker allows players to set and manage the HP of large-HP enemies much more efficiently. ...
StSLib provides a number of keywords and mechanics for other mods to use. StSLib aims to implement common mod features so each mod doesn't have to reimplement them. Requires: BaseMod ModTheSpire Features See the wiki.AboutA collection of keywords and mechanics for other Slay the Spire mods...