Slay the Spire Code: CUSA15289 Emulator version: red-prig/fpPS4@55a570b Status: Boots Description: Boots with a white screen, then crashes. Hacks make no difference. Error: An unhandled exception occurred at $00000001000724D4: EAssertionFailed: Assertion failed (ps4_videodrv.pas, line 2679)...
If you like Slay The Spire, you'll love this list of the best games like Slay The Spire that we created. Find your next game and play it today!
遗物id: Red Mask 遗物信息 效果中文描述 在每场战斗开始时,给予所有敌人 1 层虚弱。 效果英文描述 At the start of each combat, apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies. 中文引言 这副看起来十分帅气的面具属于红面具强盗团的头子,这么说来,现在你应该是他们的老大了? 英文引言 This very stylish looking mask belong...
Expansion mod for Slay the Spire by The_Evil_Pickle, DecadeDecaf, Bakuhaku, Stewartisme, and Slimer509. (Currently maintained by The_Evil_Pickle) Support this mod at This mod aims to expand upon the base game by adding lots of content. It...
熔火之蛋 遗物id: Molten Egg 遗物信息 效果中文描述 每当你获得 攻击牌 时,将其 升级。 效果英文描述 Whenever you add an Attack into your deck, Upgrade it. 中文引言 凤凰的蛋,可以看到有岩浆在滋滋发热,红得发烫。 英文引言 The egg of a Phoenix. It glows red hot with a simmering lava. 所属...
"key":"error.lithium.policies.feature.moderation_spam.action.moderate_entity.allowed.accessDenied","args":[]}}},"archivalData":null,"searchSnippet":"Slay the Spire crashes on launch every time I try to open it, i tried to look and the best thing i could find was this crash report but...
Traduko de Slay the Spire al EO. Contribute to VincentOostelbos/Slay-the-Spire-EO development by creating an account on GitHub.
能量是用来打出卡牌的资源。 卡牌的能量消耗在它的左上角,通常在 0-3 之间,但也有一些例外。所有的可玩角色都以 3 个基础能量开始游戏,可以通过遗物增加,也有产生临时能量的卡片。如 奇迹和 符文圆顶 有些卡牌可能有 X 点能量消耗。这些卡在使用时会消耗你所有剩余的能量,然后卡牌的效果会随着能量消耗的多少而...
IDRed Skull 英文名称Red Skull 稀有度普通 角色铁甲战士 描述当你的生命值等于或低于50%时,你获得额外3点力量。 英文描述While your HP is at or below 50%, you have 3 addition Strength. 引言一个用装饰性颜料涂红的小小头骨。 署名 图片redSkull.png ...
ModTheSpire ( BaseMod ( StSLib ( Currently adds: 60 Relics (4 ironclad, 4 silent, 6 defect, 46 shared) 71 Cards (15 ironclad, 15 silent, 15 defect, ...