展会概况 美国实验室及临床医疗展览会SLAS是全球最大、最重要的实验室自动化和高通量筛选行业展览会之一。该展览会专注于实验室自动化和高通量筛选技术的最新进展,吸引了来自世界各地的实验室自动化和高通量筛选设备制造商、供应商、分销商、进出口商以及研究科学家、工程师、学者和商业领袖等专业人士。展会亮点 主要...
Today marks the start of SLAS2023 in San Diego. Over the last week, DDW’s Megan Thomas has narrated five articles from the SLAS2023 supplement as part of the DDW Events podcast series. Episodes include: A Welcome to SLAS 2023 Acquiring deeper insights and acceleration with AI Connecting lab...
As parents and students enter the front gate, please wear your parent and student badge.Those who forget their badge will have to wait and go through a check-in process to verify you are actual members of the SLAS community. All non-SLAS visitors must...
As the flagship annual offering from SLAS, SLAS convenes thousands of the world's leading scientists, researchers, engineers and business leaders working in life science research and development. Moreover, in connection with the new meeting location of Washington, DC, SLAS will attract new ...
SLOs and SLIs break down SLAs into smaller pieces that can be measured on a technical level and are used by developer teams to gauge if they are truly meeting client expectations outlined within an SLA. All in all, SLIs form the basis of SLOs and SLOs form the basis of SLAs. Check out...
SLAS系列捷变频信号源 返回上一级 中星联华科技(Sinolink Technologies)捷变频信号源具有宽带频率跳变功能,在输出全频带范围内信号频率切换时间达到1us,最快可达到每秒10万次的信号跳速,是目前商用模拟信号源中频率切换速度最快的信号源,可以在天线测试系统、雷达测试、卫星载荷测试等需要多频测试需求的系统中,能够大...
While service-level agreements may sound complex and confusing, they don’t have to be. To help you navigate the world of SLAs like a pro, we’ll cover: What a service-level agreement (SLA) is Who needs an SLA and why How SLAs work ...
17 June 2022 SLAS Technology Authors Talk Tech - Behind the Special Issue: Single Cell Analysis Technologies View all news Calls for papers Biomedical Imaging: New Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Visualization Guest editors: Mutasem Alsmadi, Vinay Chamola, Muhammad Attique Khan and Yudong Zhang ...