Test programgenerate [amount]is used to generate resource file contains two kinds of records+ Integeror-. The former case indicates applying for randomIntegersize memory while the latter case indicates free a memory applied before. The parameteramountrefers how many records you'd like to generate,...
n_components- Dictionary or integer; if integer use the same number of components in each marginalization, otherwise every (key,value) pair refers to the number of components (value) in a marginalization (key). More detailed documentation, and additional options, can be found indpca.py. ...
aPorter’s practice of gaining consensus for his countermeasures taps into nemawashi. This Japanese term consists of two ideas, “ne” or root with “mawashi” or twist, and refers to the idea that before you can put a plant in entirely new soil, you must pull it up with its roots inta...
Some investors attempt to determine whether the market's mood is bullish or bearish by monitoring changes in market sentiment. Unlike more traditional methods such astechnical analysis,investor sentimentusually refers to the aggregate attitude towards Silicon Laboratories in the overall investment community...
<model>refers to any model representation such as gensim model file,.kvfile, or.txtfile. Just make sure you use the correct file endings. <training_file|entity_file>refers either to the NT/TTL etc. file that has been used to train the modelorto a text file containing the concepts you...
This is not a problem and you can keep going until your pull request is ready. If, however, you need to integrate the latest dev features into your branch, please refrain from introducing merge commits with commands like: $ # git merge dev # This complicates enforcement...
TL;DR: Different tests must run on different scenarios: quick smoke, IO-less, tests should run when a developer saves or commits a file, full end-to-end tests usually run when a new pull request is submitted, etc. This can be achieved by tagging tests with keywords like #cold #api #...