Learn about slab pull and the slab pull definition. Discover how this operates in a subduction zone and the difference between ridge push and slab...
If slab-pull events are relatively common in Mexico, Peru and Chile, slab-push earthquakes are very rare. We found some recent slab-push events, such as the 15 October 1997 Mw=7.1 Punitaqui earthquake in north central Chile, three events in the Guerrero region in Mexico (10 December 1994...
The history of the development of plate tectonics is centrally tied to the question of what drives plate motions. This has been the case since the failure of Wegener’s ideas about polflucht to explain continental drift to the seminal papers by Elsasser (1969), Solomon and Sleep (1974), and...
is due, in part, to a decreased resistance to slab sinking due to the weakening effects of the strain-rate dependent rheology in the mantle, allowing for the weight of the slab closer to the slab edge to contribute to the slab pull (Jadamec and Billen, 2010, Jadamec and Billen, 2012)...
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If you use the weighted definition of modularity (with the -w flag), the file must contain an additional third column giving the weight of each link: n1 m1 w1 n2 m2 w2 . . . . . . . . . Iteration factor (-i): At each temperature of the simulated annealing (SA), the program ...