A:This mod has Physics version. It is unsupported. Q5: Can you convert this xxx armor/outfit? A: Feel free to send me PM for the request. However, I will do it ONLY ifI like the suggested modAND ifI have time to do so. Also: ...
- Barbarian, Barbarian Hero, Mercenary, Primitive Nord, Ranger and Shaman have an optional CBBE physics and 3BA Physics-compatible versions in BodySlide. No support is given for physics-related issues. Immersive Armours Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer BodySlide and Outfit Studio Manual: ...
This is a standalone follower mod which brings the enchanting Elsa to Skyrim Special Edition! The follower comes with her own custom CBBE Special body type along with Body Physics support. Also under the Optional Files section is the original mod in its original form without my Bodyslide Files...
【21】CALIENTE`S BEAUTIFUL BODIES ENHANCER-CBBE- —— 身体美化,CBBE躯体版本。 地址:https://www.nexuSMods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198 【22】HDT-SMP[SKINNED MESH PHYSICS] —— 基于SKSE插件的物理扩展器。需要前置MOD- XP32。 地址:https://www.nexuSMods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30872 ...
Tempered Skins for Females CBBE LC_Citadel LC_Citadel - Portugues Brasil Hunterborn Hunterborn - PORTUGUES BR Morningstar - Minimalistic Races of Skyrim Morningstar - Minimalistic Races of Skyrim Traducao PT-BR Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim Odin - Ordinator Compatibility Patch ...
《上古卷轴5:天际重制版(The Elder Scrolls:Skyrim Special Edition)》是由Bethesda制作发行的一款RPG游戏,是《上古卷轴5:天际》的高清重制版本。与原作相比,B社对游戏画面进行了更为细致的加工,包括水体效果,叶片效果甚至是天气效果在内的画面都获得了相当大的提升。
[FE: 52] CBBE.esp [FE: 53] OStim.esp [FE: 54] FloatingSwordFollower_LODPatch.esp [FE: 55] LydiaPatchForLOTD.esp [FE: 56] SDA CC Umbra Patch.esp [FE: 57] HouseOfHorrorsQuestExpansion.esp [FE: 58] 3BBB.esp [FE: 59] SOSPhysicsManager.esp ...
gui visual-studio qt modding cplusplus skyrim nif qt5 npc skyrim-special-edition meshes modding-tools skyrimmodding unp skyrim-modding skyrim-se cbbe bodyslide bhunp Updated Dec 16, 2023 C++ sirmammingtonham / skyrimspellcraft Star 10 Code Issues Pull requests SKSE64 plugin that adds a ...