HDL-SMP转换为jmenaru的绯红色暮光护甲,用于Skyrim SE。 需要HDT-SMP,CBBE SMP,Bodyslide和原始的深红暮光装甲。 用法 在Bodyslide中建立装备“深红色暮光-护甲SMP”和“深红色暮光-外套SMP”,或在批量构建时选择“深红色暮光-SMP”组。 变更日志 1.3:修复了原始滑坡转换中存在的一个较小的骨骼重量问题。
使用的物理 Fumo Fumo耳环SE SMP 经过 sumugi 非常感谢过去帮助过我们的人: 哈纳伊斯, 免疫蛋糕, 善贞, 雷克塔斯, 文件,& 沙漠 感谢Skyrim的无名英雄们。奥斯纽斯,Caliente,以及CBBE团队的其他成员,负责BodySlide和Outfit Studio 用于NifSkope的Niftools ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Q4: Physics/CBP/etc? A:This mod has Physics version. It is unsupported. Q5: Can you convert this xxx armor/outfit? A: Feel free to send me PM for the request. However, I will do it ONLY ifI like the suggested modAND ifI have time to do so. Also: ...
Skyrim Special Edition Mods Armour CHS-Ryan Reos High Priestess Outfit with HDT-SMP Physics - CBBE SSE - CBBE 3BA - TBD - BHUNPCHS-Ryan Reos High Priestess Outfit with HDT-SMP Physics - CBBE SSE - CBBE 3BA - TBD - BHUNPEndorsements...
CBPC - Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR然后这5个前置共需要的前置为(CBPC还有个SSE用户的前置选项叫Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64),但不知道AE版本要不要装):Address Library for SKSE PluginsFores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SEFNIS后面被我删除了,换成了NEMESIS,因为别人说不兼容,而其它MOD...
于是用nifskope打开后发现如下: 3dm地址:https://mo删d.3dmg掉ame.co我m/mod/23381 作者声称: 资源说明: 瑟拉娜美化MOD,由“N网 - Yakisoba-pan”制作 资源详情: Name : K’nerunya(ク?ネルニャ) +4 分享162 上古卷轴吧 BrocLove 最火的女性果体身型MOD—CBBE 原址:skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file....
I do not explain basics, only how the skyrim se bodyslide pipeline works.I suggest reading the tutorial on using conversion references, Conversion References and Using Them, before reading this. My tutorial explains some things that his does not.For MO users: MO creates a virtual filesystem (...
"A tale based on Arabian Nights comes to Skyrim" and NOW with CBBE and BodySlide. Chakaru's 1001 Nights CBBE BodySlide and Physics: This is a conversion of Chakaru's Oblivion 1001 Nights to SSE with CBBE BodySlide and physics Pandorable's Heroines CBBE with BodySlide and phyics: ...
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Traducción al Español del Mod Dark Envoy - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics). Añade una genial armadura al juego.