Hothtrooper44 – Immersive Armors, project management, fixes, v1-6 CK work, mod page assets, Fur Collar, Falkreath Armor, Akaviri Samurai Armor, Gildergreen Aegis, Dragon Knight Armor, Dragonhide Robes, Shields of Jorrvaskr, Body Shields, Round Shields, Tear Shields, Hedge Knight Armor, Mantle...
Entering combat while wearing three pieces of light armor gives Light Armor experience. Light armor supports a high mobility, offensive playstyle, differentiating the skill from heavy armor. Wearing robes disqualifies you from benefiting from light armor perks. However, wearing one piece of heavy armo...
Female Vanilla Robes Bag Fix Female Wood Elf Presets Pack (Racemenu High Poly Head Preset) Feminize - NPC Turning animations Fencing In The Dark for OStim Standalone Ferries - Animated Ships patch Ferries - Laintar Dale Ferries - Lux patch Ferries - Riften patch Ferries - Shadow Over Illinalt...
New dungeons, 3 new armor sets, private tower player home. Interactive display room that transforms as you play the game. Use this mod or the one below. Return to Helgen One mode large questline involving a new alternate storyline for Helgen, prodiving over 40 new quests, hundreds of new...
You can also find pieces of this armor set in treasure chests, and it can be dropped by some enemies. Arcane Accessories Type: Equipment / Spell Books How It Works: Adds numerous new enchanted robes and new spell books to the game. All of these additions can be found in treasure chests...
This mod comes with a custom installer (See images for recommended settings) Lore Friendly and SemiSkimpy Armors - UNPB-BBP (LINK) Install 1: "SemiSkimpy Bonemold Armor UNPB-BBP" Install 2: "SemiSkimpy Cultist Robes UNPB-BBP" Install 3: "SemiSkimpy Dawnguard Armor UNPB-BBP" Install 4: "...
A disgruntled Bruma guard stationed at the Eastern Watchtower outfitted with the standard issued armor from the lord and the meager sum of gold you labored for over the years you have been in service. A well-off patron staying at the Jerall View Inn dressed in the popular Colovian fur out...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Skyrim释放VR Mod,由Laast制作。hippoywh在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Texture artist and outfit mod creator, Lind’s Realm, released a new female clothing attire forSkyrim,“Lind’s Marksmage Garb”for UNP body. A refreshing change from the usual robes and dresses, this outfit features trousers with camisole and belt. No armor, so it’s perfect for a mage....
That's why we've listed the Skyrim item codes below for all the weapons and armor in Skyrim (and yes, it works for Skyrim Special Edition as well). If you're interested in spawning NPCs, check out our list of Skyrim NPC Codes instead. For other ways to change, improve, and break ...