Just like the Unique Weapons, Skyrim also features a lot of Unique Armor sets that are specific to races and this Skyrim Unique Armor Locations Guide will help you with all the Unique Armor locations and how to get these Unique armors. Similar to weapons, every armor piece in Skyrim has a...
A collection of 64 TERA armors (23 heavy, 28 light, and 13 robes) with more coming every updates. All of them are uniquely beautiful, have weight slider support for both genders, inventory models, relatively balanced stats and recipes and are ready for use in Skyrim. *NOTE - this mod is...
Zairaam – Tribunal Robes Natterforme - Daedric Lord Armor, Ebony Mage Robes, Tribunal Robes Mcmuffin – Daedric Lord Armor Wasbunny - Ritual Armor of Boethiah Thusky - Boiled Chitin Armor, Glacial Crystal Armor, Ringmail Armor, Snow Bear Armor, Vvardenfell Glass Armor ...
We end up just throwing on some mage robes that we have lying around so we look halfway decent for the ceremony. It takes place on the 6th of Evening Star — apparently from dawn until dusk, but really it’s like 2 minutes long. Three people are in attendance: Lydia, Brelyna (from ...
Light magic sticks to walls.光类法术粘附在墙上。There are robes which will increase your magic...
Travelling Priest Robes - Vanilla HIMBO CBBE - - SPID Tribal Combatants S.A. - Racemenu Overlay Collection ESL - Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos Troll Variance Trolls SE Trophy - Rim Light Fix Trophy - Rim Light Fix - Bears of the North True Sons Of Skyrim Refined True True Teacher Durnehvii...
In this way, it is possible to use them for limited storage. If they are killed, the stored items can be looted from their body. Enchantments on weapons work normally, but followers will only benefit from the following enchantment effects on their apparel and armor: ...
Hedge Knight Armor Heroic Imperial Armor Heroic Stormcloak Armor Hunter Armor Imperial Knight Armor Mercenary Armor Nord Mail Heavy Nord Mail Light Paladin Armor Primitive Nord Armor Ranger Armor Redguard Knight Armor Ringmail Armor Ritual Armor of Boethiah Seadog Armor Shaman Robes Snow Bear Armor Spe...
Enchant the robes to reduce spell cost. Cicero’s Armor – Boots, Clothes, Gloves, Hat: Cicero, keeper for the Dark Brotherhood. In the Dawnstar Sanctuary, you can kill Cicero, keeper for The Dark Brotherhood, during “The Cure For Madness” Dark Brotherhood ...
How It Works: Adds numerous new mage robes and Conjuration spell books to the game, all of which can be found in treasure chests. Some can also be bought from merchants and other mages. Netch Leather Armor Type: Armor How It Works: Adds a new light armor set to the game. You can a...