It’s been a very busy summer in the studio as the team has continued to push forward on iterating design concepts, multiplayer dynamics and starting to add artistic and audio polish to the game. The day has finally come for us to start sharing our next project to the world… and we d...
Ascend Dynamics is creating an electric propeller driven jetpack for a flight experience free of the confines of the cockpit.
It’s been a very busy summer in the studio as the team has continued to push forward on iterating design concepts, multiplayer dynamics and starting to add artistic and audio polish to the game. The day has finally come for us to start sharing our next project to the world… and we d...
Flight dynamics tested by real airline pilots and performance-based in many real-world comparisons. Fully reliable in flight manuals, performance and climb Perfectly simulated weight and balance in accordance with the Weight and Balance manual
下載SkyLine Dynamics 開發的 App,包括 Foodics Kiosk、Solo Kiosk 和 Breath | بريث 及更多。
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描述 巨型能量噴湧是切爾諾貝利核電站最嚴重的一次異常能量爆發,使得全世界再次為之震撼。只有查清事件的起因並預防後續的災害,才能在《潛行者:晴空》中倖存。這是初代遊戲故事的前傳,現已經過調整,可在主機上遊玩。 往日之謎 你將扮演一位名為刀疤的僱傭兵,在決定史特列洛克命運的過程中扮演重要角色,併發掘初代遊戲...
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Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will speak over the phone tomorrow, with the US president saying they will discuss land and "dividing up certain assets"; The White House has said "we've never been closer to a peace deal than we are in this ...