skyblue是什么意思“skyblue”指代一种类似晴朗天空的浅蓝色,其视觉效果明亮柔和,常用于设计、艺术等领域。以下从颜色特性、应用场景及文化含义三方面展开说明。 从色彩特性看,skyblue在标准色卡中对应十六进制代码#87CEEB,RGB值为(135,206,235)。这种颜色介于蓝色与青色之间,具有低饱和...
1. SkyBlue,通常被称为天蓝色,是一种清新而明亮的颜色,它具有较高的饱和度和明度值。2. Hex代码#87CEEB是天蓝色的代表,而在屏幕上显示这种颜色所需的RGB代码是135,206,235。3. LightSkyBlue,亦称浅天蓝色,比天蓝色更为柔和与淡雅。它的Hex代码是#87CEFA,RGB代码则是135,206,250。4. De...
1. 天蓝色(Skyblue)呈现出一种中等亮度的青色阴影,其RGB颜色值为52.94%红、80.78%绿和92.16%蓝。2. 在HSL色彩空间中,天蓝色对应的颜色代码是#87ceeb。3. 天蓝色通常被视为明亮且接近天空的蓝色,它也被称为湛蓝。4. 这种颜色位于青色和蓝色之间,其波长大约在485-470纳米。5. 天蓝色象征...
SkyBlueColor represents the infinite blue of the sky. Some homes use this color to paint the ceiling. It is also frequently used in interior architecture. #00bfff rgb(0,191,255) #EFFAFF #DEF4FF #B6EBFF #75DEFF #2CFFFF #00BFFF ...
The color skyblue / Sky blue with hexadecimal color code #87ceeb is a medium light shade of cyan. In the RGB color model #87ceeb is composed of 52.94% red, 80.78% green and 92.16% blue. In the HSL color space #87ceeb has a hue of 197° (degrees), 71% saturation and 73% lightn...
Vivid Sky Blue Color Hex #00ccff RBG rgb(0,204,255) HSL hsl(192,100%,50%) HSB hsb(191,100%,100%) CIELab CIELab(76.32,-24.34,-36.68) CMYK cmyk(100%,20%,0%,0%) RED 0% GREEN 80% BLUE 100% Vivid Tangelo White Rabbit Yearling Aleutian Apple Herb Black Autumn Leaf Re...
1. SkyBlue,通常译为天蓝色,是一种清新明亮的颜色,具有较高的饱和度和明度。2. Hex代码#87CEEB代表天蓝色,而RGB代码135,206,235对应于这种颜色在屏幕上的显示。3. LightSkyBlue,译为浅天蓝色,比SkyBlue更为柔和、淡雅。其Hex代码为#87CEFA,RGB代码为135,206,250。4. DeepSkyBlue,即深天...
SkyBlue:天蓝色 Hex代码 :#87CEEB RGB代码:135,206,235 LightSkyBlue 淡天蓝色 Hex代码 :#87CEFA RGB代码:135,206,250 DeepSkyBlue:深天蓝 Hex代码 :#00BFFF RGB代码:0,191,255
Italian Sky Blue Color Hex #b2fcff RBG rgb(178,252,255) HSL hsl(182,100%,85%) HSB hsb(184,30%,100%) CIELab CIELab(94.44,-21.9,-8.74) CMYK cmyk(30%,1%,0%,0%) RED 69.8% GREEN 98.82% BLUE 100% Italian Straw Kobicha Lickety Split Little Pinky Mana Merrylyn Montana ...
In a RGB color space, hex #87ceeb (also known as Sky blue) is composed of 52.9% red, 80.8% green and 92.2% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 42.6% cyan, 12.3% magenta, 0% yellow and 7.8% black. It has a hue angle of 197.4 degrees, a saturation of 71.4...