SkyBlue:天蓝色 Hex代码 :#87CEEB RGB代码:135,206,235 LightSkyBlue 淡天蓝色 Hex代码 :#87CEFA RGB代码:135,206,250 DeepSkyBlue:深天蓝 Hex代码 :#00BFFF RGB代码:0,191,255
The color skyblue / Sky blue with hexadecimal color code #87ceeb is a medium light shade of cyan. In the RGB color model #87ceeb is composed of 52.94% red, 80.78% green and 92.16% blue. In the HSL color space #87ceeb has a hue of 197° (degrees), 71% saturation and 73% lightn...
The hexadecimal color code #2874b2 is a shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #2874b2 is composed of 15.69% red, 45.49% green and 69.8% blue. In the HSL color space #2874b2 has a hue of 207° (degrees), 63% saturation and 43% lightness. This color has an approximate wavele...
#87CEEB (or 0x87CEEB) is known color: SkyBlue. HEX triplet: 87, CE and EB. RGB value is (135,206,235). Sum of RGB (Red+Green+Blue) = 135+206+235=576 (76% of max value = 765). Red value is 135 (53.12% from 255 or 23.44% from 576); Green value is 206 (80.8
RBG rgb(61,50,93) HSL hsl(255,30%,28%) HSB hsb(256,46%,36%) CIELab CIELab(23.88,15.96,-24.03) CMYK cmyk(34%,46%,0%,64%) RED 23.92% GREEN 19.61% BLUE 36.47% Jalapeño Lace Cap Light Frost Long-Haul Flight March Green Middle Blue Mordant Blue Nebulous White Ogre Odo...
RBG rgb(197,211,221) HSL hsl(205,26%,82%) HSB hsb(205,11%,87%) CIELab CIELab(83.8,-2.75,-6.56) CMYK cmyk(11%,5%,0%,13%) RED 77.25% GREEN 82.75% BLUE 86.67% Velvet Slipper Water Iris Windsor Grey Zeus Amazing Grey Arctic Bakery Box Bestigor Flesh Blue Fantastic Breeze...
sky blue n.天蓝色,蔚蓝色 yellow n.黄色;黄种人;黄色颜料 怎么将AI源文件的rgb颜色模式改为cmyk模式 以AI CS6操作为例:1、首先需要在电脑上面打开AI软件进入,如图所示,然后打开需要转化的文件进入。2、然 新开传奇网站,每日新开新服,新服,找服,好服-5KQ.COM- 今日新开传奇网站,,发布全新传奇...
例子,用16位存储RGB 用16位存储,Red和Blue为5为,Green 6位 20> Red = 10. 10 21> Green = 20. 20 22> Blue = 30. 30 23> Color = <<Red:5, Green:6, Blue:5>>. <<82,158>> 采用模式匹配提出值 24> <<R:5, G:6, B:5>> = Color. ...
颜色RGB 118,215,234 是一种亮青色,其颜色名为 天蓝色(Sky Blue),与其最接近的颜色是 喷雾色 英文名 Spray #79deec, 该颜色的Hex十六进制代码为 #76d7ea,RGB值为 rgb(118,215,234)。在RGB颜色空间中,该颜色由46%的红色, 84%的绿色, 92%的蓝色组成。 在CMYK颜色空间中,这种颜色由 50%的青色, 8%...
天蓝色(Sky Blue) 颜色代码 天蓝色(Sky Blue) 的 Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV, Decimal, CIELab, YUV, 颜色代码 颜色格式 颜色代码 颜色格式 颜色代码 Hex 76d7ea RYB 118,171,234 RGB 118,215,234 CMY 54,16,8 CMYK 50,8,0,8 XYZ 46.623,58.393,86.656...