为不可用的 SKU 部署 VM 时,将发生错误。 Azure CLI 和 Azure PowerShell 部署命令显示一条错误消息,指出请求的大小在位置或区域中不可用。 在 Azure 门户活动日志中,会看到错误代码SkuNotAvailable或InvalidTemplateDeployment。 在本示例中,New-AzVM指定不可用的 SKU 的-Size参数。 错误代码SkuNotAvailable显示在...
Describe the bug This may be an API bug, but I don't know where to report it, definitely not on Azure's Terraform provider repo. I'm trying to use Terraform to create an extra nodepool for AKS using Standard_NC6s_v3 SKU. It throws an err...
Applies to Azure SDK for Java Preview在GitHub 上與我們協作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取请求。 有关详细信息,请参阅参与者指南。 Azure SDK for Java 意見反映 Azure SDK for Java 是開放源項目。 選取連結以提供意見反映︰ 開啟文件問題 提供產品意見反...
Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.dll Package: Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices v1.1.0 NotAvailableForSubscription. C# publicstaticAzure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesSkuRestrictionReasonCode NotAvailableForSubscription {get; } Property Value ...
我扶扳抉把技我把批攻投快快 抉 扶快忱抉扼找批扭扶抉扼找我 戒忘扭把抉扮快扶扶抉忍抉 把忘戒技快把忘 志 把忘扼扭抉抖抉忪快扶我我 我抖我 戒抉扶快. 圾 忪批把扶忘抖快 忱快抄扼找志我抄 扶忘 扭抉把找忘抖忘 Azure 志抑 批志我忱我找快 抗抉忱抑 抉扮我忌抉抗SkuNotAvaila...
refer to the respective documentation for detailed specifications of each VM series. The Azure VM family is growing, with more powerful GPU virtual machine SKUs on the Azure roadmap. As new GPU SKUs are released, the Game Development Virtual Machine will support them once they’re available. ...
I attempted to temporarily scale up our Azure Fabric F8 SKU to a F64 SKU. Afterwards, the Azure portal correctly shows F64, and so does the capacity overview in Power BI Admin. But it does not register on the workspaces overview in the Admin module, where the SKU Tier still show...
Our applications are approved and available for purchase through Microsoft Azure Marketplace Customer Analytics,Design Center and Customer Portal,PIM+ PIM+ Product Information Management Plus all of your products and accessories in one consolidated PIM, available to reference by anyone at your company or...
support short-term and long-term strategies • Creating repeatable, scalable, and actionable insights with data already available To address this use case, Azure offers several out-of-the-box services that can be used to build a scalable analytics solution, that is cost effective and ...
No. The Basic SKU is not available in the portal. You can create a Basic SKU VPN gateway using Azure CLI or PowerShell. It states that I'll be able to create a basic VPN gateway, however, I am unable to do this my subscription with an error stating that the basic SKU is not avai...