为不可用的 SKU 部署 VM 时,将发生错误。 Azure CLI 和 Azure PowerShell 部署命令显示一条错误消息,指出请求的大小在位置或区域中不可用。 在 Azure 门户活动日志中,会看到错误代码SkuNotAvailable或InvalidTemplateDeployment。 在本示例中,New-AzVM指定不可用的 SKU 的-Size参数。 错误代码SkuNotAvailable显示在...
为不可用的 SKU 部署 VM 时,将发生错误。 Azure CLI 和 Azure PowerShell 部署命令显示一条错误消息,指出请求的大小在位置或区域中不可用。 在 Azure 门户活动日志中,会看到错误代码SkuNotAvailable或InvalidTemplateDeployment。 在本示例中,New-AzVM指定不可用的 SKU 的-Size参数。 错误代码SkuNotAvailable显示在...
Describe the bug This may be an API bug, but I don't know where to report it, definitely not on Azure's Terraform provider repo. I'm trying to use Terraform to create an extra nodepool for AKS using Standard_NC6s_v3 SKU. It throws an err...
Azure 虚拟机 SKU 在所选区域中不可用。 服务主体无效。 虚拟网络、子网或路由表无效。 Azure CLI 参数无效。 参数名称的值不可用或由 Azure 保留。 群集创建尝试失败还有其他原因。 解决方案 在下表中,按照相应的故障排除步骤链接操作。 展开表 详细信息 ...
Error code: UserErrorSkuNotAvailable Error message: VM creation failed as VM size selected is not available. This error occurs because the VM size selected during the restore operation is an unsupported size. To resolve this issue, use therestore disksoption during the restore operation. Use thos...
No. The Basic SKU is not available in the portal. You can create a Basic SKU VPN gateway using Azure CLI or PowerShell. It states that I'll be able to create a basic VPN gateway, however, I am unable to do this my subscription with an error stating that the basic SKU is not avai...
查看Azure SQL 数据库单一数据库的定价详细信息,单一数据库是在性能需求在某种程度上可预测时,针对工作负荷优化的完全孤立的数据库。
{ "vCPUsAvailable": 1, "vCPUsPerCore": 1 } }, "storageProfile": { "imageReference": { "publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer", "offer": "WindowsServer", "sku": "2016-Datacenter", "version": "latest" }, "osDisk": { "osType": "Windows", "name": "myOsDisk", "createOption": ...
Describes a virtual machine scale set sku. NOTE: If the new VM SKU is not supported on the hardware the scale set is currently on, you need to deallocate the VMs in the scale set before you modify the SKU name. SkuProfile Specifies the sku profile for the virtual machine scale set. ...
Azure Game Dev VM started to support a more powerful GPU SKUNVadsA10 v5-seriessince July, 2022. It is powered byNVIDIA A10GPU, which has better performance than T4. For more details about this VM size, please refer to thegenerally available blog post. ...