3.To give a quick and superficial reading, scrutiny, or consideration; glance:skimmed through the newspaper. 4.To become coated with a thin layer. n. 1.The act of skimming. 2.Something that has been skimmed. 3.A thin layer or film:a skim of ice on the pond. ...
SectionBThegreatjourneyoflearning TextReading 5Forthefirsttwodays,MalcolmXjustskimmedthroughthepagesofthedictionarytryingtonegotiatehiswaythroughitsunfamiliarformat.Hetoldusofhisamazementathowcloselyrelatedthewordsseemed.Howmoistcouldbetherootofmoisture,andadvisableandadvisoryhadthesamerootword!“Ididn’tknowwhich...
1- I have already read through the book = I have already read the whole book2 - I read through the essay again to make sure I hadn't made mistakes = I read the entire essay again to make sure I hadn't made mistakes3 - I haven't had time to read through your assignment, I've...
Just off La Rambla Street in Barcelona I skimmed through The Saints (圣人) of Spain in a bookstore. It would be a good read for the home. At that moment I couldn’t help thinking of my own personal saint the angel who’d my trip. It was the first time for me to travel abroad ...
toskimthroughsth echarleunaojeadaorunvistazoaalgo semi-skimmed milk[ˌsɛmɪˌskɪmdˈmɪlk]名词 semi-skimmedmilk lechefsemidescremada semi-skimmedmilk lechefsemidesnatada西班牙 词条skimmed在西班牙语»英语中的译文 (跳至英语»西班牙语) ...
verbglide Synonyms glide fly coast plane sail float brush dart scud verbscan Synonyms scan glance run your eye over thumb or leaf through phraseskim something off Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002Want...
An Ziyan’s love is showed through the sacrifices he makes without Mai Ding’s knowledge – which makes it more swoon-worthy, especially to me. He might bully Mai Ding but he’s also the one that protects Mai Ding the most. He’s a very typical bully, rich male lead but somehow, I...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromskimmed the surface of something) skim the surface (of something) To do, engage with, or understand something to only a minimal or superficial degree.I know you feel like you know everything about philosophy now, but this introductory ...
1.Theactofstealingaperson'scredit cardinformationon anelectronicdeviceandtransferringtheinformationto adifferentcard.Itmayoccurduringanormalbusinesstransaction.Forexample,ifoneusesacreditcardtomakeapurchase,thepersonhandlingthecardmaysurreptitiouslyswipethecardthroughanotherelectronicdevicethatcopiestheinformationcontainedon...
skim through (something) skimmed the surface skimming skimp skimp and save skimp on skimp on (something) skin skin (one) alive skin a goat skin alive skin an eel by the tail skin and bone skin and bones skin and bones, (nothing but) ...