意思是浏览;掠过;滑过的时候用skim through。词汇搭配:skim through a book 一本书 skim through an article 浏览一篇文章 glance over skim through browse 大致地观看 示例:If they simply skim through the tests, they may be overlooking errors.如果跳过这些测试,就可能忽略错误。词语用法:skim...
skim through翻译 skim through翻译基本解释 ●skim through:浏览,略读
#看图识词# 今天的单词是skim, 其实是很常见的一个词。例如超市里的脱脂牛奶,是skimmed milk;或半脱脂牛奶,semi-skimmed milk. 另外,还可以用来形容略读,skim through a book, 大体浏览一本书,这里主要是只了解书的大概,而非精读。 k...
When I read a book, I usually just skim over the boring parts. I skimmed through the email to see if there was anything important. 5.获取表面信息或印象: I skimmed the article to get a general idea of what it was about. I only skimmed the surface of the subject in my report. 6.在...
What is the meaning of to skim through a book? 2 : to read, study, or examine superficially and rapidly especially :to glance through(something, such as a book) for the chief ideas or the plot. 3 : to throw in a gliding path especially : to throw so as to ricochet along the surfa...
To look through something can mean a clear panel or to look at pictures in a book, and to ...
1. 定义差异:scan指的是有目的地快速查看文本,以了解主要内容。它通常带有明确的目标。而skim则是快速阅读,目的是为了抓住要点或关键信息。2. 介词用法:scan通常后接介词through,表示彻底地查看。而skim则常与介词through或over搭配,表示快速地浏览。3. 示例对比:当他浏览了报纸后,没有发现什么...
scan和skim的区别:1、定义不同。scan v. 浏览,指粗略地扫视报刊文章等,以便了解主要内容,含较强的目的性。skim v. 浏览,略读。指快速阅读以找出要点或主要信息。2、后跟介词不同。scan 后跟 through;而skim常后接介词 through/over。3、举例比较:He scanned through the newspapers and found ...
to skim the ground [plane, bird etc]→ volar a ras de la tierra 3. [+ stone]→ hacer cabrillas con, hacer el salto de la rana con 4. (fig) [+ subject]→ tratar superficialmente B. VI to skim across/along the ground→ pasar rozando la tierrato skim through a book (fig)→ ...
Define skim through. skim through synonyms, skim through pronunciation, skim through translation, English dictionary definition of skim through. skim through. Translations. English: w>skim through vi +prep obj book etc überfliegen. French / Français: