WrapR for SketchUpis a UV mapping tool filled with powerful features. WrapR is a SketchUp extension that helps you create proper UV maps for SketchUp models. It supports triangulated andQuadFacemeshes. Hundreds of SketchUp users are using it everyday. We are sure you'll love it too!
2254 1 11:58 App FredoScale 超级缩放插件in SketchUp by SKETCHARCH 2862 1 46:35 App 贴图克星 UV Mapping Tools For SketchUp 作者TutorialsUp 7.3万 148 8:03 App 一学就会 su曲面放样 景观小品不求人了 作者Bustan Studio 3972 2 7:10 App 解读建模过程,四面边正确布线原理QuadFace Tools 作者SketchU...
进入贴图选项,找到Texture placement选项,将Type选项调整为mapping source。接下来在UV placement source里...
suapp2发布于01-10 [71]四边面工具-复制UV贴图 (Copy UV Mapping) suapp2发布于01-10 [71]四边面工具-UV贴图工具 (UV Mapping) suapp2发布于01-10 [71]四边面工具-取消平滑四边面 (Unsmooth Quads) suapp2发布于01-10 [71]四边面工具-平滑四边面 (Smooth Quads) ...
通過設定U軸和V軸來設定所選四邊面的UV貼圖。複製UV貼圖(Copy UV Mapping) 動畫教程 從所選的四邊面中複製UV貼圖設定。粘貼UV貼圖(Paste UV Mapping) 動畫教程 將UV貼圖設定粘貼到所選的四邊面中。展開UV網格(Unwrap UV Grid) 動畫教程 將UV網格展開為平整的面片。繪製線條(Line) 動畫教程 在點與點之間...
Ruby API Bug Fixes Fixed model validation where it incorrectly flagged some valid UV mapping as invalid and reset it. Fixed an issue where Materials created via the Ruby API would get duplicated when applied (Win) Restored the missing Racc Ruby library...
SymmetryMill in SketchUp (紫天SketchUp中文网志 SuBlog.net) 上传者:sublog 01:44 SketchUp 独立显示选择对象 (紫天SketchUp中文网志 SuBlog.net) 上传者:sublog 01:10 ImageAnimator 20101211 上传者:sublog 04:30 UV Mapping a Road using SketchUV and Roadkill 上传者:sublog 00:52 Box Mapping using Ske...
要解决它,在纹理布置将类型更改为「映射源」(Mapping Source),然后再「UV放置源」(UV Placement Source)中添加一个新的UVW位置。并勾选「随机平铺」(Stochastic tiling)复选框。 9、正确使用置换贴图 如果你已使用置换贴图,在渲染中却没有体现,首先确保你的材质已经具有置换贴图,可以先阅读这篇教程—— ...
Copy UV Coordinates Paste UV Coordinates Save/Restore UV data with face Transfer materials and UV mapping between front and back Stretch texture to quad-face Rotate textures fitted to quad-facesMenus & ToolbarsToolbars » UV Toolkit²
SketchUV Essential UV Mapping Tools for SketchUp including spherical, cylindrical, tube, and box. Learn more Zorro2 Slice Objects and use Section Planes to Trim a model. Learn more SketchyFFD The classic free-form deformation plugin. Learn more...