WrapR for SketchUp has an intuitive interface, which is designed to mimic SketchUp. It makes it easy to UV unwrap SketchUp models in seconds. Built for SketchUp WrapR looks and feels just like SketchUp. Tools and navigation are what you expect. No surprises just focus on the things you nee...
2254 1 11:58 App FredoScale 超级缩放插件in SketchUp by SKETCHARCH 2862 1 46:35 App 贴图克星 UV Mapping Tools For SketchUp 作者TutorialsUp 7.3万 148 8:03 App 一学就会 su曲面放样 景观小品不求人了 作者Bustan Studio 3972 2 7:10 App 解读建模过程,四面边正确布线原理QuadFace Tools 作者SketchU...
ThomThom UV Toolkit² Productivity Suite of UV mapping tools. SketchUp Compatibility SketchUp 2024, SketchUp 2023, SketchUp 2022, SketchUp 2021, SketchUp 2020 OS Compatibility Mac, Windows Supported Languages English Price Free Sign In to Continue...
SketchUV Essential UV Mapping Tools for SketchUp including spherical, cylindrical, tube, and box. Learn more Zorro2 Slice Objects and use Section Planes to Trim a model. Learn more SketchyFFD The classic free-form deformation plugin. Learn more...
UV贴图工具(UV Mapping) 动画教程 通过设置U轴和V轴来设置所选四边面的UV贴图。复制UV贴图(Copy UV Mapping) 动画教程 从所选的四边面中复制UV贴图设置。粘贴UV贴图(Paste UV Mapping) 动画教程 将UV贴图设置粘贴到所选的四边面中。展开UV网格(Unwrap UV Grid) 动画教程 将UV网格展开为平整的面片。绘制...
A new V-Ray Toolbar is added exposing some utility functionality. The Inspector can be found there, as well as all the V-Ray UV Tools and two new display mode toggles for the viewport widgets Hide V-Ray Widgets function implemented. It hides all V-Ray specific objects from the SketchUp ...
Improvements to UV Mapping - Ruby and C API There has always been a gap in the API around projected materials. We've added new methods to make it possible to set projected textures. See the API docs for further information regarding how to use these new API features. ...
UV Channel/Set– Specifies the index of the mapping channel data to use. A value of 1 takes the first available channel. Repeat U/V– Determines how many times the texture is repeated in the 0 to 1 UV square. Lock U/V Repeat– Locks the U/V Repeat. ...
secondaryUVPackMargin セカンダリ UV をパッキングするときのチャート間に残す余白 skinWeights Skin weights import options. sortHierarchyByName Sorts the gameObject hierarchy by name. sourceAvatar 指定されたアバターから HumanDescription をインポートします。 swapUVChannels インポートするとき、プ...
Ruby API Bug Fixes Fixed model validation where it incorrectly flagged some valid UV mapping as invalid and reset it. Fixed an issue where Materials created via the Ruby API would get duplicated when applied (Win) Restored the missing Racc Ruby library...