Define skeptic. skeptic synonyms, skeptic pronunciation, skeptic translation, English dictionary definition of skeptic. also scep·tic n. 1. One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclus
Define Modern skeptic. Modern skeptic synonyms, Modern skeptic pronunciation, Modern skeptic translation, English dictionary definition of Modern skeptic. also scep·ti·cism n. 1. A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind; dubiety. See Synonym
The group members consider themselves the caretakers of Indian culture, which of course means their own, very specific definition of what Indian culture is. They want to get back down to good old-fashioned Hindu values, by threatening to attack or expose couples showing affection in public. In ...
1. You are using a broader definition of “Christian” than Cheryl is. She is obviously reserving the label to those who stand within a mainstream of church tradition and belief, whereas you are using the term to describe those, like yourself, who have beliefs similar in form to other chur...
Last night, the accumulated years of being called an evil-Koch-funded-anti-science-tobacco-lawyer-Holocaust-Denier finally caught up with me. I wrote something like 3000 words of indignation about climate alarmists corrupting the very definition of science by declaring their work “settled”, answer...
just come back on as old habits are resumed. Also, highly restrictive diets are monotonous and difficult to maintain. So keep it simple, keep it tolerable. This brings up another major recommendation for weight loss – think long term. Short term strategies are by definition doomed to failure...
Of course they do – if they are deniers by definition they don’t understand the difference between denial and skepticism (or they do but are being deliberately intellectually dishonest). But science communicators and journalists should know the difference....
(or, to be frank, to feeling justified in acts of eco-terrorism). Is anyone else getting tired of this working definition that “hate speech” is any speech by people who disagree with me, because I have the best interest of humanity in mind so clearly those who oppose me hate the ...
Belief and faith in the ‘orthodoxy’ of scientific consensus has become the definition of truth. Nietzsche was right: “I’ll tell you where God is,” returned the madman. “God is dead! God remains dead. And we have killed him.” God is dead, but man is ...
Helmuth Nyborg wants to prove the existence of an alleged inherent, innate factor “g”, “general intelligence”, which, almost by definition, is natural and unalterable. His particular kind of dullwittedness therefore is not a defect of nature and in his case nurture also cannot be blamed ...