论文题目:Skeleton-based action recognition based on multidimensional adaptive dynamic temporal graph convolutional network 作者&团队:Xia Y, Gao Q, Wu W, et al. 1.江南大学机械工程学院 2.江苏省先进食品制造装备与技术重点实验室 发表期刊/会议:Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 中科院分区:S...
GCN for skeleton-based action recognition 图卷积网络广泛应用于基于骨架的动作识别中,它将人类骨骼序列建模为时空图。ST-GCN是基于GCN的方法的著名baseline,它结合了空间图卷积和交错时间卷积,用于时空建模。在baseline上,adjacency powering用于多尺度建模,而自我注意机制提高了建模能力。尽管GCN在基于骨架的动作识别方面...
【论文学习】ST-GCN:Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Action recognitionSkeletonGCNMulti-stream networkVISUAL SURVEILLANCEAction recognition techniques based on skeleton data are receiving more and more attention in the field of computer vision due to their ability to adapt to dynamic environments and complex backgrounds. Topologizing human skeleton data as ...
Skeleton-based Action Recognition ST-GCN (AAAI'2018) 2s-AGCN (CVPR'2019) PoseC3D (ArXiv'2021) Results and models are available in the README.md of each method's config directory. A summary can be found on the model zoo page. 基于骨架原理(GCN系列) Ref: 行为识别综述 2.5 基于骨架原理...
Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Directed Graph Neural Networks---论文笔记,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Such input cannot exploit the locality nature of convolution networks, which makes these meth- ods not as competitive as GCN on popular benchmarks [2]. Only a few previous works have adopted 3D-CNNs for skeleton-based action recognition. To construct the 3D in- put, they either stack the...
original GCNs. Our full model, the BlockGCN, establishes new benchmarks in skeleton-based action recognition across all model categories. Its high accuracy and lightweight design, most notably on the large-scale NTU RGB+D 120 dataset, stand as strong validation of th...
Skeleton-based action recognition models in PyTorch, including Two-Stream CNN, HCN, HCN-Baseline, Ta-CNN and Dynamic GCN pytorchaction-recognitionskeleton-based-action-recognition UpdatedJul 2, 2022 Python MartinXM/GAP Star109 Code Issues Pull requests ...