As sarcopenia has been implicated in the development of insulin resistance, we adjusted the regression model for each of the 3 definitional components of sarcopenia, namely ALMi, grip strength and gait speed to determine how these measures of muscle mass, strength and function may influence the HOM...
Muscular dystrophies (MDs) are often characterized by impairment of both skeletal and cardiac muscle. Regenerative strategies for both compartments therefore constitute a therapeutic avenue. Mesodermal iPSC-derived progenitors (MiPs) can regenerate both striated muscle types simultaneously in mice. Importantly...
Calorie restriction promotes a fast-to-slow muscle phenotype transition Aging reduced absolute (Supplementary Fig. S1G) and relative (mg/g body mass) mass (Fig. 2A) in all measured muscles. CR further reduced absolute muscle mass in the fast-twitch tibialis anterior (TA), extensor digitorum lo...
Physical exercise can improve age-dependent decline in cognition, which in rodent is partly mediated by restoration of an age-dependent decline in neurogenesis. Exercise-inducible myokines in the circulation present a link in muscle-brain crosstalk. The transcription factor PGC-1α regulates the relea...
AAS: adjusted activity score; BMI: body mass index; HAP: human activity profile; SD: standard deviation. 3.2. Reliability of Measures of Muscle Hydration Results for the measures of hydration for time one and two are presented as group means and standard deviations in Table2. Values for the ...
Skeletal muscle is ideal for passive vaccine administration as it is easily accessible by intramuscular injection. Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors are in consideration for passive vaccination clinical trials for HIV and influenza. However, greater human skeletal muscle transduction is ...
DRP1-mediated mitochondrial shape controls calcium homeostasis and muscle mass. Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):2576. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Friedman JR, Lackner LL, West M, DiBenedetto JR, Nunnari J, Voeltz GK. ER tubules ...
3.1. Vigeo Ameliorates Muscle Wasting in a Dex-Induced Muscle Atrophy In Vivo According to several in vivo studies, dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid (GC), can induce muscle atrophy which reduces muscle mass, strength, and function [10,11]. Muscle disease progresses owing to the inhibition...
(and carbon) isotope equilibrium, the outer part of secondary layer and areas of specialised shell structures (hinge, brachidium, foramen, interarea and muscle scars) as well as thin primary layer of brachiopods show significant 18O depletion related to kinetic effects [162,164,231,232,233,234...