Skall Studio was established in 2014 by the two sisters Julie and Marie Skall. Rooted in the coastal area of North Jutland, the family name of Skall has become synonymous with the values of the brand, such as an animal free production, a general consciou
Skall Studio was established in 2014 by the two sisters Julie and Marie Skall. Rooted in the coastal area of North Jutland, the family name of Skall has become synonymous with the values of the brand, such as an animal free production, a general consciou
Skall Studio was established in 2014 by the two sisters Julie and Marie Skall. Rooted in the coastal area of North Jutland, the family name of Skall has become synonymous with the values of the brand, such as an animal free production, a general consciou
Skall Studio is the sustainable Danish label that creates timeless, elegant, feminine clothing with exceptional quality. With sustainability at the forefront of the brand, discover Skall Studio the perfect alternative to fast fashion making a virtue of the processes from design to production, creating...
Skall 释义 [人名] 斯卡尔
Skall Studio was established in 2014 by the two sisters Julie and Marie Skall. Rooted in the coastal area of North Jutland, the family name of Skall has become synonymous with the values of the brand, such as an animal free production, a general consciou
Skall Studio Spring/Summer2025系列的另一大亮点,在于其剪裁与细节的匠心独运。设计师们通过对人体工学的深入研究,以及对时尚趋势的精准把握,打造出既符合现代审美又兼顾实用性的服装轮廓。又是蓝棕色的搭配,一整套牛仔蓝,腰间的棕色以及模特棕色的头发,搭配起来真是相得益彰。连衣裙露出裙摆,再搭配风衣,真的...
丹麦小众秘籍!Skall穿搭 探索丹麦的时尚小秘密,今天要介绍的是Skall Studio这个品牌。他们的设计以清新浪漫的田园风格为主,每一款都充满了故事感。首先,这款经典大口袋衬衫,粉色款特别温柔,韩系风格十足。宽松的版型给人一种随性自在的感觉,夏天穿也很舒服,还能当作防晒服来穿。
SKALL STUDIO Pirette pleated wide-leg mid-rise wool trousers Price:¥3,100.00 SKALL STUDIO Edie round-neck organic-cotton cardigan Price:¥770.00 SKALL STUDIO Willow wide-leg mid-rise denim jeans Price:¥2,500.00 SKALL STUDIO Andy round-neck organic-cotton T-shirt ...