Skall Studio was established in 2014 by the two sisters Julie and Marie Skall. Rooted in the coastal area of North Jutland, the family name of Skall has become synonymous with the values of the brand, such as an animal free production, a general consciou
Skall Studio was established in 2014 by the two sisters Julie and Marie Skall. Rooted in the coastal area of North Jutland, the family name of Skall has become synonymous with the values of the brand, such as an animal free production, a general consciou
Skall Studio was established in 2014 by the two sisters Julie and Marie Skall. Rooted in the coastal area of North Jutland, the family name of Skall has become synonymous with the values of the brand, such as an animal free production, a general consciou
Skall Studio is the sustainable Danish label that creates timeless, elegant, feminine clothing with exceptional quality. With sustainability at the forefront of the brand, discover Skall Studio the perfect alternative to fast fashion making a virtue of the processes from design to production, creating...
Skall Studio was established in 2014 by the two sisters Julie and Marie Skall. Rooted in the coastal area of North Jutland, the family name of Skall has become synonymous with the values of the brand, such as an animal free production, a general consciou
SKALL STUDIO Willow wide-leg mid-rise denim jeans Price:¥2,500.00 SKALL STUDIO Andy round-neck organic-cotton T-shirt Price:¥510.00 SKALL STUDIO Turtleneck long-sleeve wool jumper Price:¥4,000.00 SKALL STUDIO Julian check-print wool skirt ...
在时尚的舞台上,Skall Studio 以其独特的复古波西米亚风格,向我们展示了春季系列的无限魅力。本季设计灵感不仅源自自然的优雅,还深深植根于上世纪60—70年代的波西米亚精神,营造出一种轻松而又不失优雅的田园氛围,让人仿佛步入了一个温暖而诗意的春日午后。▲ 设计理念与灵感来源_设计师姐妹朱莉和玛丽在这次发布...
Skall Studio 是一个来自丹麦的时尚品牌,由 Julie 和 Marie Skall 姐妹于 2014 年创立。Skall 在丹麦语中意为“贝壳”,象征着自然与美丽。这个品牌以慢设计为理念,专注于创作真正符合自己审美和价值观的作品。Skall Studio 的设计理念非常清晰,他们只做自己认为正确的事情,只设计自己真正喜欢的东西。品牌的服装以天然...
Skall Studio和MKDT是两个备受北欧人喜爱的时尚品牌,尤其在冬季穿搭方面备受推崇。以下是这两个品牌的一些特点和受欢迎的原因:Skall Studio(斯卡尔工作室)Skall Studio是一家丹麦的时尚品牌,以其简约、自然、可持续的设计而受到瞩目。以下是一些Skall Studio的特点:可持续性: Skall Studio注重可持续性和环保,在...
在时尚的舞台上,Skall Studio 以其独特的复古波西米亚风格,向我们展示了春季系列的无限魅力。本季设计灵感不仅源自自然的优雅,还深深植根于上世纪60—70年代的波西米亚精神,营造出一种轻松而又不失优雅的田园氛围,让人仿佛步入了一个温暖而诗意的春日午后。▲ 设计理念与灵感来源_设计师姐妹朱莉和玛丽在这次发布会...