Participants balanced on one leg (barefoot, eyes open) for up to 60 s (three trials per leg, best time used). This common test measures static balance. This is a well-established and validated measure of static balance [15]. Normative values for people in three age groups (60–69, 70...
A validated, standardized, and feasible test to assess muscle power in older adults has recently been reported: the sit-to-stand (STS) muscle power test. This investigation aimed to assess the relationship between relative STS power and age and to provide normative data, cut-off points, and ...
In this study an experimental set-up for acquisition of STS movement which is suitable for clinical applications has been proposed: first, it was studied in healthy subjects, to define a normative database of this specific motor task, then in pathological subjects (adults with hemiplegia), to ...
These datasuggest that the major decline in performance on the UPSITacross the older age range is not due to a decline in memory,but likely reflects a true sensory decrement. 为了探明UPSIT得分随着年龄而降低是否是完全或部分由于记忆力的下降,我们对47名老年受试者(平均年龄=81.32,SD=7.75)进行了...
Kralj A, Jaeger RJ, Munih M: Analysis of standing up and sitting down in humans: definitions and normative data presentation. Journal of Biomechanics 1990, 23: 1123–1138. 10.1016/0021-9290(90)90005-N Article Google Scholar Schenkman M, Berger RA, Riley PO, Mann RW, Hodge WA: Whole-Bod...
The Sit Up Squat Stand test and Hand Grip Strength: What is the role of tests of muscle power in risk assessment in Anorexia Nervosa? Objectives To investigate the validity and reliability of two variants of the Sit Up Squat Stand Test (SUSS) and Hand Grip Strength (HGS) in predicting BMI...
We assessed the ability of shorter UPSIT subsets to detect hyposmia in 891 healthy participants from the PREDICT-PD study. Shorter subsets included Versions A and B of the 4-item Pocket Smell Test (PST) and 12-item Brief Smell Identification Test (BSIT). Using a data-driven approach, we ...
UPSIT翻译中英文对照-DevelopmentofUPSIT201405.docx,Development of the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test: A Standardized Microencapsulated Test of Olfactory Function 宾夕法尼亚大学气味识别能力测试(UPSIT)的开发:嗅觉功能的标准化微胶囊测
She [a colleague of a sit-stand desk user] said that she found it a little distracting – [sit-stand desk user] moving her desk up and down – and especially having to strain to talk to her as she sits next to her (Research notes, Workplace B, 23rd June 2014) The data shows tha...
Ewan Thomas1†, Antonio Paoli4† and Antonio Palma1†Abstract Aims/Hypothesis: The aim of this study was to examine the sit up test to exhaustion as a field test for muscular endurance evaluation in a sample of sedentary people of both sexes.Methods: A cross-sectional study was performe...