Similarly, the average woman in our sample ranked in either the poor or fair category of the ACSM norms for modified push-ups, and in the poor ACSM category for sit-and-reach. In contrast, leg press scores for the average woman in this study fell within the good or excellent category ...
sit ups, 30 m. sprinting speed, 20 m. shuttle run test and indirect VO2max variables. The mean, standard deviation and percentage normative values for all of them were calculated. The findings indicate that the values of right and left hand grip, 30 sec. sit ups, standing long jump, ...
Physical fitness tests (i.e. 20 m shuttle run test (SRT), standing long jump, sit and reach, sit-ups, and 10 × 5 m SRT) were performed and used to calculate normative values, using the percentiles of the empirical distributions and the lambda, mu, and sigma statistical ...
Additionally, this data provides evidence that climate justice meets three criteria for Stage 2 (norm cascade) of the norm life cycle. The first is that states are now the primary actors in advancing the climate justice framing in international climate negotiations; during a period of severely ...