嫂子/弟妹/大(小)姑子/大(小)姨子,都可以表达为:sister-in-law 这些都是属于你的sister,但不是亲的, 而是姻亲,所以,英文中会在这些sister后加in-law(姻亲)in-law的英文解释:因此所有通过法定婚姻取得的关系的称呼,都与in-law有关,只要在直接的关系后加上in law就可以了,比如:1、“岳父”:...
My sister-in-law is pregnant. 我嫂嫂怀孕了。 My grandma has three siblings. 我奶奶有三个兄弟姐妹. 04 Non-blood relationship 非血缘关系 ①stepfather, stepmother继父/母 ②stepson, stepdaughter继子/女 ③stepbrother, stepsister继兄弟/姐妹 ...
Despite the challenges, the sister-in-law relationship has the potential to enrich the lives of those involved in numerous ways. Through their interactions and shared experiences, sister-in-laws have the opportunity to learn from each other, broaden their perspectives, and gain new insights into ...
I don’t know how to handle her and our relationship. I’m terrified of this person and the level of rage she is capable of reaching. She clearly hates me and does not support our decision to get married. Bottom line is I don’t want her at my wedding... Am I wrong if I don...
1.the title given to a female child to describe her relationship to the other children of her parents.She's my sister;my father's sister.hermana 2.a type of senior nurse.She's a sister on Ward 5.enfermera jefe 3.a female member of a religious group.hermana,monja ...
grandfather曾祖父②Grandfather/ Grandpa祖父/爷爷③Father/ Daddy父亲/爸爸④Uncle叔叔⑤Father-in-law岳父⑥Brother兄弟⑦Nephew侄子⑧Baby boy男婴⑨Twin boys双胞胎男孩⑩Boyfriend男朋友⑪Husband丈夫⑫Brother-in-law姐夫例句●His great-grandfather and great-grandmother have a good relationship.他的曾祖父和曾...
If you have seen sister-in-law relationships in TV or movies, or have one in real life, then you can see a variety of portrayal of this person. They have a unique position of being the closest to one person of a couple and some sort of a sister to the ot
Scenario 2: A woman talking about her husband's sister: Here, "sister-in-law" remains suitable, and the level of formality is dependent on the relationship with the sister-in-law. If they have a close and friendly relationship, using her first name is perfectly accept...
sister-in-law 听听怎么读 英[ˈsɪstərɪnˌlɔ:] 美[ˈsɪstərɪnˌlɔ] 是什么意思 n. 夫或妻的姐妹;嫂;弟媳; 变形 复数:sisters-in-law 英英释义 sister-in-law[ 'sistərinlɔ: ] n.the sister of your spouse...