采用射频等离子体技术制备新型Cu—Co/SiO催化剂.与直接焙烧制备的样品相比,射频等离子体处理 提高了催化剂的比表面积,显著增大了活性物种Co的表面含量,有效改进了催化剂的还原性能.以CO加氢合 成低碳混合醇为模型反应,在563K,5.0MPa,6000h一, H):V(CO)=I. ...
(2) R a re ea rth c om ple x c oa t ed sil ic a na nop ax t icl e 图1 Si0 2/Eu 配 合物核一壳 复合粒子 的形成 示意 图 F ig.1 Sc hema tic illust ra tion of rar e ear th com plex co ated on nano-S iO 2 to f or m cor e-shell nan opar ticles ...
Chemicals* Sodium hydroxide Methanol Toluene n-heptane Silane Oleic Acid MW (g/mol) 40.01 32.04 92.14 100.20 32.12 282.47 Density (g/cm3) 2.16 0.79 0.87 0.68 1.31 0.895 Formula NaOH CH3OH C7H8 C7H16 H4Si C18H34O2 Application To make the porous medium oil-wet Used for Surface ...
tM8ivSOeiO.si2Wd/8ehZse.nrWOea,hsaewnndhPe(Tn8FZPEnTOiFn&Ete8irSnaitcOetre2ad)c, wtloeidwth-wp4iotShtieOn42Zt,ian4lOZrneadOnr/de4gS8iiZoOnn2Os, 4w, StehirOee2lr/oe4cdZanrlieOzge,ido(n4mZsanwinOelr&yea4srSpoirOuena2)dd, across the polymer and increased on the other...
Preparation of tailed preparation steps are rtehpeosratneddwinichousrtrpurcetvuiroeu: s(Clyo-pxNuib1l−ixsFhee2dOp4;axp =er 0s4.97,/4S8.iO2/TiO2) nanocomposite. The de- Preparation of carbon nanoparticles (C‑dots). C-dots were prepared according to the ...
验合成的PDMS/ SiO 纳米复合材料可以很好的保 2 [3] Wong C P,Zhu L,Hess D W,et al.Sol-gel process de- 护照片,避免其吸水受潮,从而长期收藏、保存。 有 rived superhydrophobic silica thin films for antistiction of 万方数据 望在纸质档案等方面得以应用。 MEMS devices[J].Mrs Proceedings,2007,...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Nano silicated‑FeAl2O4 functionalized by DL‑alaninium nitrate ionic liquid (FeAl2O4 ‑SiO2@[DL ‑Ala][NO3]) as versatile promotor for aqua‑mediated synthesis of spiro[chromenopyrazole‑indene‑ triones and sp iro [c...
(FTIR)等测试手段对材料进行了表征,结果表明:SiO2一TiO2多孔复合材料中存在Ti—O~n、si一0一si和Ti一0一si3种化学 键。将制备的多孔复合材料进一步一sOH功能化(SiO一TiO2一SO3H),以水溶液中的碱性品红为目标污染物,考察了改性材 料对染料的吸附性能,结果显示,经一S0H功能化的材料具有较优的吸附性能,吸附率达...
drochloride m ole cule s ch ang e the av erag e refr activ e inde x of the sy ste m . Wavelengt h/nm Fig.2.(color online) UV-vis transmission spectra of SiO2 inverse opal (10 ),quinacrine dihydrochloride-doped SiO2 inverse opal (IO—QD), and quinacrine dihydroc hloride—do...