验合成的PDMS/ SiO 纳米复合材料可以很好的保 2 [3] Wong C P,Zhu L,Hess D W,et al.Sol-gel process de- 护照片,避免其吸水受潮,从而长期收藏、保存。 有 rived superhydrophobic silica thin films for antistiction of 万方数据 望在纸质档案等方面得以应用。 MEMS devices[J].Mrs Proceedings,2007,...
(2) R a re ea rth c om ple x c oa t ed sil ic a na nop ax t icl e 图1 Si0 2/Eu 配 合物核一壳 复合粒子 的形成 示意 图 F ig.1 Sc hema tic illust ra tion of rar e ear th com plex co ated on nano-S iO 2 to f or m cor e-shell nan opar ticles ...
(FTIR)等测试手段对材料进行了表征,结果表明:SiO2一TiO2多孔复合材料中存在Ti—O~n、si一0一si和Ti一0一si3种化学 键。将制备的多孔复合材料进一步一sOH功能化(SiO一TiO2一SO3H),以水溶液中的碱性品红为目标污染物,考察了改性材 料对染料的吸附性能,结果显示,经一S0H功能化的材料具有较优的吸附性能,吸附率达...
Chemicals* Sodium hydroxide Methanol Toluene n-heptane Silane Oleic Acid MW (g/mol) 40.01 32.04 92.14 100.20 32.12 282.47 Density (g/cm3) 2.16 0.79 0.87 0.68 1.31 0.895 Formula NaOH CH3OH C7H8 C7H16 H4Si C18H34O2 Application To make the porous medium oil-wet Used for Surface ...
tM8ivSOeiO.si2Wd/8ehZse.nrWOea,hsaewnndhPe(Tn8FZPEnTOiFn&Ete8irSnaitcOetre2ad)c, wtloeidwth-wp4iotShtieOn42Zt,ian4lOZrneadOnr/de4gS8iiZoOnn2Os, 4w, StehirOee2lr/oe4cdZanrlieOzge,ido(n4mZsanwinOelr&yea4srSpoirOuena2)dd, across the polymer and increased on the other...
The white frame in (a) shows the EDX-mapping area which is pointed out separately in (c). The images (d–f) show the enrichment of the elements Al, Si, and Zr. An overlay representation of the lateral distribution of Al and Zr is shown in (g). i.e. from 2,290–2,330 eV....
Thomas C.-K. Yang2* & Ja-Hon Lin1* In this work, SiO2@α-Fe2O3 core-shell decorated RGO nanocomposites were prepared via a simple sol-gel method.The nanocomposites were prepared with different weight percentages (10, 30, and 50 wt %) of the SiO2@α-Fe2O3 core-shell on RG...
drochloride m ole cule s ch ang e the av erag e refr activ e inde x of the sy ste m . Wavelengt h/nm Fig.2.(color online) UV-vis transmission spectra of SiO2 inverse opal (10 ),quinacrine dihydrochloride-doped SiO2 inverse opal (IO—QD), and quinacrine dihydroc hloride—do...
cgoesxmpcrpeipamrtee3dd.5ww%iitthhS ic5Oo%2n, tKarloNllo.OMth3 ae(4rx0ipm8r iummmgi)nfrhgeatsdrhetabhtiemomheinagtshsses(si3tg4fnr7ie.f9sich7a bmnitogly-) was recorded by 2.5% 1 mM SA, dry biomass KofNFOA3RpOr4im4 erdiceFAseReOdl4in4grsicweasseeendhliann...