The most basic sinusoidal function is sin(x). But any stretch or shift of this function is considered a sinusoidal function. This also includes cos(x) since it is a phase shift of sin(x). What is the equation for a sinusoidal function? The general form of the sinusoidal function is y...
Learn the definition of Sinusoidal function and browse a collection of 21 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
Period of a Sinusoidal Function Period is the length of one cycle before it repeats. A normal period of a sine wave is {eq}2\pi {/eq}. The period is represented by {eq}\frac{2\pi}{B} {/eq}, using the value of B in the equation {eq}y=sin(Bx) {/eq} we can compute the ...
please help to write the above equation Y=X0*(1+sin*(w*t)) where w=2*pi*f (rad/s), t=argument(s) I have tried with analytical function after defining w in variables and all other constants in parameters. when I tried to plot it shows following errors: ...
A sinusoidal function has a maximum at (2,10) and its next minimum (5,-2). Find an equation that represents this situation. Sinusoidal functions: A sinusoidal function is a periodic function, i.e. it "waves", or "oscillates", where the o...
Find an equation for a sinusoidal function that has period 2π, amplitude 1, and contains the point(- $$ \frac { \pi } { 2 } $$,0).$$ f ( x ) = A \cos ( B x + C ) + $$,where A, B,C, and D are real numbers. ...
axis marked with numbers instead of multiples of p. These graphs would be more useful for applications involving sinusoidal patterns. The horizontal axis uses numbers. The period of the function has been adjusted to a period of 1. The equation is y = sin 2p t, where t represents time. ...
Function NameSymmetryCoefficient Values Even x(t) = x(−t) bm = 0 Odd x(t) = −x(−t) am = 0 Half-wave x(t) = x(t − t/2) am = bm = 0; for m even Example 3.1 Find the Fourier series of the triangle waveform shown in Figure 3.8. The equation for this waveform...
The bottom of the wheel is 1.5m above the ground. Write the equation of a sinusoidal function that models the height of one gondola as it goes around the Ferris wheel assuming that the car starts at the minimum at time zero. (Must Use Radians)...
47 、Thesinusoidalvoltage and current distribution on the line of each frequency component is obtained by the phasor equation for the transmission line and the source and load impedances.───将传输线上不同位置电压及电流之频谱以快速富氏反转换即得传输线上不同位置之近似电压及电流脉波。