How to make a non-planar graph planar? Find: The edges of k6 are to be painted either red or blue .show that no matter how this is done there is always a subgraph of k6 that is isomorphic to k3 and that it is either fully red or fully blue ...
How to generate vertices for a cube? Use the algebraic tests to check for symmetry with respect to both axes and the origin. y = x^3 How to calculate a sinusoidal regression? How to check whether two graphs are isomorphic or not bipartite?
Bandwidth is specified as the frequency at which a sinusoidal input signal is attenuated to 70.7 percent of its original amplitude, also known as the -3 dB point. In general, it is recommended that you use an oscilloscope with bandwidth at least two times the highest frequency component in ...
Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Sinusoidal Function | Definition, Parts & Examples Period of a Cosine Function | Graph & Equation Graphing Polar Equations & Coordinates | Process & Examples How to Convert Between Polar & Rectangular Coordinates Start...
Although both modular and stand-alone oscilloscopes are both used to acquire voltages, the instruments offer different benefits. However, the considerations discussed above are important when purchasing either instrument. Thinking ahead about application requirements, c...
For example, when measuring an AC mains signal (which is near-to-sinusoidal and has relatively low harmonics content), it is sufficient to choose a sampling frequency 32 times greater than the mains frequency (50 Hz). In this case harmonics of up to, the 15th order can be obtaine...
Make sure that the sensed signals are clean The PFC controller senses the AC input voltage, inductor current and PFC output voltage. These sensed signals need to be clean; otherwise, they will affect THD. For example, because the AC input voltage signal generates a sinusoidal current reference,...
General equation of settling time is; The unit step response of second order system is expressed as; This equation divides into two parts; To calculate the settling time, we only need the exponential component as it cancels the oscillatory part of sinusoidal component. And the tolerance fraction...
Make sure that the sensed signals are clean The PFC controller senses the AC input voltage, inductor current and PFC output voltage. These sensed signals need to be clean; otherwise, they will affect THD. For example, because the AC input voltage signal generates a sinusoidal current reference,...
going to drive the output port. Since this is a discrete system, you must pick a time increment to define how often you want the output to be recomputed and driven on the ports. A common way is to drive the result of the output equation ...