The plural form of some nouns that end in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ is made by changing the ending to -ves. For Examples: half – halves hoof – hooves calf – calves elf – elves shelf – shelves leaf – leaves loaf – loaves thief – thieves wolf – wolves life – lives knife – knives...
If a noun's singular form ends with a consonant plus y, you must change the y to I and then add "es": baby - babies candy - candies sky - skies spy - spies Attention:Proper nouns are exceptions to the rule. the Wendys (not Wendies) ...
When the singular form of a noun ends in an 'f' or 'fe', they need to be replaced with 'ves' to make them plural. See the table below for examples. Singular FormPlural Form knife knives wife wives life lives wolf wolves thief thieves shelf shelves While most words that end in 'f'...
thiefthieves With some nouns that end inforfe, we just addsto form the plural. SingularPlural chiefchiefs cliffcliffs roofroofs giraffegiraffes With some nouns ending infe, we changeftov, and adds. SingularPlural knifeknives wifewives lifelives ...
以f, fe 结尾的词 变f, fe为v es thief-thie ves, leaf-lea ves, knife-kni ves 除了 handkerchief-handkerchief s, roof-roof s,safe-safe s, cliff-cliff s 不规词的形式变化(irregular forms) tooth-teeth, mouse-mice, child-children, ox-oxen, goose-geese, woman-women, foot-feet, man-...
Nouns ending in s, z, x, sh, and ch form the plural by adding es.Example:moss, mosses buzz,buzzes box, boxes dish, dishes church, churches Exercise: Write the plural of each of these nouns dress brush hex wish class fox cross bench bush ax grass mantis glass Special Note:If you ...
Plural Nouns Plural Nouns A plural form of a A plural form of a noun names more noun names more than one. It usually than one. It usually ends with ends with ss or or es es.. Write P if the noun below is plural. Write P if the noun below is plural. Write S if the noun ...
2 (creature) live at the bottom of the ocean. Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with the plural form of the words given. 1. Don't eat at that stall. There are mice (mouse) running around the stove. 2. Please arrange the 4. Caterpillars books (book) neatly on the watches shelves ...
2.But a large number of other common nouns do not form their plural number by adding ‘s’ ,but by adding ‘es’ , ‘ies’ or ‘ves’ . (1)Sound in a ‘hissing’ and ending with ‘_sh, _ch,_x,_z , _s‘ becomes plural by adding ‘_es’ . Eg: box-boxes boss-bosses, wa...
The existing approaches published in the literature with respect to wind power uncertainty forecasts can be separated into three categories: probabilistic forecasts [17], skill forecasts (commonly in the form of prediction risk indices) [18] and scenarios [19]. This paper mainly focuses on ...