Similarly, the word “sheep” is singular when referring to one animal, but it becomes plural when referring to multiple animals. In conclusion, understanding singular nouns is essential for anyone learning English grammar. By knowing what they are and how to use them correctly, you can improve...
21. thieves 22. grew 23. forgotten 24. worse 25. least 21. thief 的复数形式是 thieves。 22. grow 的一般过去式是 grew。 23. forget 的过去分词形式是 forgotten。 24. bad 的比较级形式是 worse。 25. little 的最高级形式是 least。反馈...
When a word ends in-For-FE, we change theFtoVand add-ES. SINGULARPLURAL leaf leaves/livz/ half halves /hævz, hɑvz/ life lives /laɪvz/ /lɪvz/ self selves /sɛlvz/ thief thieves /θivz/ scarf scarves /skɑrvz/
Thiefa.Thiefies a. Thiefs c. Thieves Army a.Armys b. Armies c. Army Owl a.Owls b. Owlies c. Owelds Answers: –a –c –c –b –a Choose the best word to fit into each of the following sentences: The men sharpened their ___ before throwing them at the targets. A – knife...
Most plural forms are created by simply adding an -s or –es to the end of the singular word. For example, there’s one dog (singular), but three dogs (plural). However, English has both regular and irregular plural nouns. Regular plurals follow this rule (and other similar rules), ...
Module 1: Grammar Search for: Regular Plural NounsA plural noun indicates that there is more than one of that noun (while a singular noun indicates that there is just one of the noun). Most plural forms are created by simply adding an -s or –es to the end of the singular word. Fo...
Like the two-word compound nouns, hyphenated compound nouns also work as one unit. You can see that the examples used so far all follow thejust add srule. You’re probably already thinking of other common compound nouns that don’t follow that rule. For example, ...
thief thieves There are nouns that end in -ve in their singular form and are regular nouns. Writers must not confuse these regular nouns with the above irregular nouns as they look very similar in their plural forms. The table below shows some such examples. Regular Nouns Ending in -veRegul...
EAP1:GRAMMAR PluralsI:pluralforms Planfortoday •Comparingandcontrastingareveryimportantfeaturesofacademicwriting.They’renotjustimportantinwritingbutinallUniversitywork.You’reoftenaskedtocomparethingsinUniversityassignmentsToday,we’llpracticecomparativesandsuperlatives.We’lllookattherulesgoverningcomparativeand...
Serf, for example, gets pluralized with a standard –s: serfs. Chief, despite ending in the same three letters as thief, gets pluralized as chiefs. Same with briefs, beliefs, roofs, and reliefs, as well as just about all words ending in double-f: tariffs, bailiffs, sheriffs, cliffs,...