Single-cell whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in >200 single cells, including >160 neurons from three normal and two pathological human brains, sensitively identified germline trisomy of chromosome 18 but found most ( 95%) neurons in normal brain tissue to be euploid. Analysis of a patient with ...
Scripts for processing the single-cell data, generating the malignancy continuum and analyzing the WGS data are available on GitHub ( References Weinstein, J. N. et al. The Cancer Genome Atlas Pan-Cancer analysis project. Nat. Genet. 45, 1113...
Specifically, we conducted whole genome sequencing (WGS), single-nuclei RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq), and single-nuclei assay for transposase-accessible chromatin sequencing (snATAC-seq) on cells from the healthy retinae of 20 human donors. We mapped single-cell eQTLs (sc-eQTLs), single-cell caQ...
In the present study, we show that multimodal, single-nucleus (sn)RNA/T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing, spatial transcriptomics and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) are feasible from small, frozen tissues that approximate routinely collected clinical specimens (for example, core needle biopsies). ...
主体是单细胞数据,包含WGS,bulk RNA-seq等数据。 先利用单细胞数据进行非免疫细胞的比较(差异基因,通路富集)。再看T cell上的差异,发现Tcell的免疫功能损伤(比例,功能,免疫基因,克隆扩增)。湿实验证明AFP蛋白怎么影响的T cell。随后转到myeloid cell,发现TAM 的一个特定子集 TAM-SPP1+ 在 APHC 中富集,表现出...
We performed whole genome sequencing (WGS), multi-region whole exome sequencing (WES), simultaneous single-cell RNA-Seq, and single-cell targeted cDNA Sanger sequencing on matching adjacent normal tissues, primary tumors, and metastatic tumors from 12 metastatic colorectal cancer patients (n=84 for...
Metastasis of CRC remains a major problem after curative treatment and is an important cause of CRC-related death [161]. Wang et al. [162] performed whole genome sequencing (WGS), multiregion whole exome sequencing (WES), simultaneous scRNA-seq, and single-cell targeted cDNA Sanger sequencing...
Although genomes are generally considered to be stable, there is still a small possibility of genetic mutations occurring with each DNA replication. Single-cell whole-genome sequencing (scWGS) is capable of elucidating genomic heterogeneity and can therefore be utilized to analyze genomic mutations in...
WGS data are available at dbGap (accession number: phs002758.v1.p1) and can be accessed at Somatic mutation calls, including single-base substitutions and indels from all 134 samples, have been deposite...
Generation of whole-genome sequence (WGS), whole-exome sequence (WES), or RNA-seq from single cells requires isolation of individual viable cells or intact nuclei, amplification of minute amounts of DNA or RNA from the cell, sequencing, and analysis of the ensuing data. Continuous advancements...