I got a 4.0 in the spring and this fall with hard work the same. Feel bad about having to live thinly again but ill survive. Just glad you have put together all these resources for women and we have the internet to access them. I respect and look up to women such as yourself and ...
Rent for Moms, founded by Black women and other marginalized genders, helps Black moms pay rent and utilities during the holiday season. The grassroots nonprofit started in December 2020 and has helped more than 70 single Black moms across the U.S....
I know you are one of the few women taxi drivers in the city now, and you drive for a living. 我知道你是这个城市里为数不多的女出租车司机之一,以开车为生。 6. 24kb Customers preferred to shop at these stores rather than drive to the nearest city. 消费者们宁可到这些商店购物,而不是...
which made it nearly-impossible for EasternUS to connect to anything north or west of the Illinois/Indiana State Line (Marquette to Shreveport, for those following along on a map), or WesternUS to connect to anything east of same, and the outage...
Along the neat rows of temporary shelters, it's evident the morning rush is on with children getting ready for school, women cooking and old men mending tangles of fishing nets. 排列整齐的临时棚屋显然已经开始了清晨特有的忙碌:孩子们正在做好上学的准备,妇女们在做饭,老人们在修补乱成一团的渔网。