so they brought her in,” Biernacki said. “I started calling every single phone number I could get my hands on for, like, a women’s shelter— I only have so much knowledge about this—and nobody ever
2 Now the Jewish Feast of Shelters[g] was near.[h] 3 So Jesus’ brothers[i] advised him, “Leave here and go to Judea so your disciples may see your miracles that you are performing.[j] 4 For no one who seeks to make a reputation for himself[k] does anything in secret.[l] If...
Many participants, particularly those living in single adult or couples’ shelters, both of which generally have communal facilities, reported that the bathrooms in their shelter were often dirty or flooded, making them unpleasant or even, in some cases, impossible to use. As two women described:...
For those of us who think about tiny houses every day this doesn’t seem like a new or strange idea. In fact it seems perfectly logical to build tiny houses for the homeless or anyone who needs or wants a low-cost place to live. In fact it seems so logical to me I wonder why com...
In the image, Charlene gently pets a black and white dog named Lizzie, one of the many dogs and cats currently available for adoption at Refuge l'Abri. "Went to visit the Monaco SPA Please support a local SPA or animal shelter near you [sic] Thank you Merci," Charlene wrote. "With ...
Using QGIS, nature-based green solutions were unified in a single layer, including all vegetation data; the same approach was performed for blue solutions, representing all types of watercourses. This analysis made it possible to identify green and water areas and calculate each statistical area’s...