Presents a study which performed noise power spectral density measurement on single-strip patterned nickel iron cobalt--copper giant magnetoresistance multilayers. Experimental method; Results and discussion; Conclusions.NorA. F. Md.HillErnie W.
For instance whether the random process is like “white noise”, “1/f noise”, resonant at a given frequency, etc. 1 The function S(f) is the (one-sided) power spectral density per unit time. The proof of Eq.(5) and and the subtleties in the definition of ...
Additionally, the diagnostic ability of MDCT on right hepatic artery invasion was studied in 103 patients with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma with a left-sided predominance (Fukami et al, 2012). The diagnostic yields of a low-density plane between the right hepatic artery and the adjacent tumor, ...
The low-frequency spectral noise on the Larmor frequency (in units of Hz2 Hz−1) is calculated (here we make use of two-sided power spectral densities, which are even with respect to the frequency) from Δf(t) as4: $${S}_{\mathrm{L}}=\frac{{t}_{{{\rm{tot}}}{\left|{{...
P values were calculated using a one-sided Fisher’s Exact Test and subsequently adjusted using the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) correction method. Extended Data Fig. 3 Carrier proteome effect in label-free single cell proteomics. a) Number of proteins and precursors identified in the HeLa samples in...
Recent advances in optical clearing techniques have dramatically improved deep tissue imaging by reducing the obscuring effects of light scattering and absorption. However, these optical clearing methods require specialized equipment or a lengthy underta
In order to obtain the exponential autocorrelation function with correlation length l c , the four Wiener processes are generated by the numerical integration of zero mean white noise with power spectral density of 2 / l c [40] (pp. 71–74). The statistical accuracy of the simulated random ...
(General Physics) the frequency band either above (upper sideband) or below (lower sideband) the carrier frequency, within which fall the spectral components produced by modulation of a carrier wave. See alsosingle sideband transmission Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio...
To step down the 6-V DC input to generate 5 V, the board requires a high-precision, low-noise LDO. The 5-V is used to power op-amps, onboard ADCs as well as the fluxgate current sensors, so the total current output requirement from the LDO is at least 500 mA. The TPS7A47 is...
p values were computed using Welch’s one-sided two-sample test comparing cells from each neighborhood with cells in all other neighborhoods and adjusted using the Benjamini-Hochberg method. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗∗p < 0.001. (E) Violin plots showing hypoxia signature scores computed using ...