早期会用静态指标表征,比如DNL/INL;接着发展到使用SNR/SFDR来评估ADC性能,虽然它们确实很重要,但对于高速、Gsps采样率的ADC而言,噪声谱密度(NSD)是另一个比较全面的衡量指标,它与采样率和SNR都有关。大家可能在datasheet上见过该指标,但对它的定义和背后的含义还比较陌生,本文参考了ADI的"Noise Spectral Density: ...
The noise current spectral density in submicrometer samples is computed using the Monte Carlo method. The normalized spectral density is found to decrease with sample length and increase with the field. The high-field noise is like shot noise and increases with current in agreement with experimental...
在现代数据采集系统中,衡量ADC性能的指标已经超越了传统的静态指标,如DNL/INL和SNR/SFDR。特别是在高速、Gbps采样率的ADC领域,噪声谱密度(NSD)成为一个更为全面的性能考量。尽管SNR与采样率相关,但NSD同时考虑了这些因素,并在数据表单中可见。本文基于“Noise Spectral Density: A New ADC Metric?...
由于NSD 的存在,一方面 ADC 性能优劣能够很快看出,另一方面,50MHz BW 上 SNR 也很好算,各个 ADC 的 NSD + 10log(BW) ,再变换一下符号即可。 小结 今天我们介绍了过采样(+滤波)能带来超额的 SNR,称之为 Process Gain 。 NSD (Noise Spectral Density)是衡量 ADC 性能的一个指标,它结合了 SNR 与 采样率...
universalvalidityfordeterminingthee]uivalentinPutnoisecurrentsPectraldensityforoPticalreceiverdesigns 9 as verifiedbymeasuringa155Mb / shigh-imPedanceoPticalreceiverfront-end.Goodagreementbetweencalculated andsimulatedresultshasbeenachieved. Keywords 2 oPticalreceiver 3 noisefigure 3 e]uivalentinPutnoisecurrent EEACC...
Noise Spectral Density: A New ADC Metric?by Ian Beavers Dec 12 2017 Over the past decades, the high speed analog-to-digital converter (ADC) performance metric that mattered to most has changed, albeit slowly, as a result of signal acquisition systems’ ever increasing and insatiable bandwidth ...
The corresponding noise spectral density S_{{\mathrm{ii}}}(\nu ) ∝ \left\langle {\hat I_{\mathrm{T}}( - \nu )\hat I_{\mathrm{T}}(\nu )} \right\rangle of the tunnel current IT then provides information about the time τT that an electron spends in the barrier as long...
Based on the equivalent circuit model of a two-port optical receiver front-end,the relationship between theequivalent input noise currentspectral density and the noise figure is analyzed. 根据光接收机前端等效电路模型,建立了噪声系数与等效输入噪声电流谱密度的关系。
The island’s electronic temperature \({T}_{\Omega }\) is determined from the low-frequency (MHz) current fluctuations measured on the top (1) and right (2) large electrodes (Methods). The excess auto- and cross-correlation spectral density, from which the zero-bias offset is removed, ...
noise spectral density is conventionally specified in units of dBFS/Hz. That is, dB with respect to full scale per Hz, a relative measure. This provides a sort of output referred measurement of the noise level, or alternatively, in dBm/Hz or even dB mV/Hz, to provide a more ...