This comment won't bring any answer, but this seems more a font design question than a LaTeX question to me. In general, it seems straight single quote signs are more common in fixed width fonts. Furthermore, from the space between x and ' in your last example, it seems to me t...
I have done it as follows : "test double quotes" and 'test double quotes' which generated the output of the form : Is there a way i can generate the correct output without changing the quotes in all the places ? I saw some similar answers @ Isn't there any other way of doi...
In the upstream report, the following workaround is suggested: (setq-default sp-escape-quotes-after-insert nil) Does the workaround work for you? mfru commented Nov 3, 2018 Upstream issue: Fuco1/smartparens#783 In the upstream report, the following workaround is suggested: (setq-default sp...
nb creates notes in text-based formats like Markdown, Org, LaTeX, and AsciiDoc, can work with files in any format, can import and export notes to many document formats, and can create private, password-protected encrypted notes and bookmarks. With nb, you can write notes using Vim, Emacs...
\load [vlna] \enlang \enquotes \enlang \margins/1 a4 (,,,)mm \fixmnotes\right \fontfam[schola] \def\TODO{{\Red TODO}} \everytt{\typosize[9/]\catcode`<=13 } \everyintt{\catcode`<=13 } \def\`{\bgroup \_setverb \toindex} \def\toindex#1`{\egroup{\tt\Magenta #1}\ea\...
You can save money by getting quotes from different insurance providers to find the lowest rates. 18. 16kb 太棒了!我们喜欢去KTV。现在我们可以省钱了。 Great! We like to go to KTV. But now we can save the money. 19. 13kb 这样不仅可以省钱还能减少摄入脂肪,盐分和糖分。 You'll save ...
今年初在另一篇知乎“机器人或人工智能的研究会帮助我们更好的了解人类自己吗?”回答中,我说到传感器是和物理世界交互的基础。后来,我又在知乎“有哪些与控制、机器人等相关的 quotes?”的回答中提到莫拉维克悖论(Moravec‘s paradox),谈到了机器人学里公认的难题是在物理世界中实现类人的活动能力。
2. 33kb And if you liked this article, you will enjoy one of his top articles: 77 Great Quotes That will Change Your Life. 如果你喜欢这篇文章,那他著名的文章之一《改变你生活的77条名言》你也会喜欢。3. 35kb Great plan! The world is changing, but still there are no free rides....
Single quotes around math? Ask Question Asked 12 years, 2 months ago Modified 12 years, 2 months ago Viewed 522 times 3 I am using the syntax package, and I want to define a grammar like:Rule = Head -> Tail but when I do this:\begin{grammar} <rule> ::= `$\rightarrow$' <tai...
Results from these experiments were analyzed to develop the correlation in Equation (8). Here, we use rejection values calculated from this correlation to assess the validity of our model predictions. In the discussion to follow, we use ‘experimental’ (in quotes) when referring to rejection ...