I could figure out that Latex didn't like having This time we will not rundf[df.State_name == 'California'] in the cell of markdown type. Another cell hadu''in the markdown and another error was thrown: ! Undefined control sequence.<argument>u\textquotesingle{}\textquote...
Let the paint dry, then toss the box in your trash can. If you’re disposing of latex paint and want to go the curbside route, make sure your municipality accepts it. Local regulations vary from city to city, and yours may prohibit old paint disposal. Planning to recycle your old paint...
This allows you to quote multiple lines of code. ```code block``` Create Line Breaks (Horizontal Rules) in Markdown Line breaks are useful for signifying the end of one section and the start of another. CommonMark supports line breaks through the use of three dashes: --- Some editors...
Step 1) Add “\usepackage{ctex}” to the beginning of the document. This will load the main package ctex. Step 2) It is very important to save the LaTeX file in UTF-8 format, otherwise all Chinese characters will appear as question marks. The preferred way to do this is via: TeXShop...
go to the section Using LaTeX packages: setspace and parskipReaders interested in low-level commands: go to the sections TeX/LaTeX parameter commands and The fundamentals: parameter commands and examplesReaders interested in the fine details of line space calculations and paragraph structure: go the...
Do both of us not have to be up early? Can I take a night off from doing work and personal projects? If the answer to all of the above is yes, then take off your pants, your skirt, your latex bodysuit (actually, keep that one on!) and let’s have some fun. We Need To Omit...
Quote to DL (Definition List) Canvas HTML Render Download not working MathML Test Page now with MathJax / LaTeX What CSS class names are semantically meaningful? What to do with a directory of images that are letters? Keystroke to Go to Random Web Page CSS3 Smiley in Color plusplus (++...
So, back to that quote: “The process of hash-making can be divided into two parts – resin collection, and resin preparation.” We know that collecting the resin is easy with this method, but what about preparation? Let’s go back to ‘Hashish!’ one more time to see why we need ...
1. Get to know your local market Start by determining whether you’d like to focus on residential (house cleaning), or if you want to be acommercial cleaning businessthat serves other businesses in your local area. Residential cleaningmight be a good fit if you work alone and want to clea...
Hi, I have to share a paper using this format for Animals: The following zip folder contains all files for preparing a manuscript in LaTeX. Inside this template folder is “template.tex” (the template file where the pap…