High-dose radiation is given to the AVM in a precise and focused manner. Obliteration of blood vessels occurs over a period of one to two years, during which time the risk of bleeding is still present. The complete obliteration rate ranges from 50% to 90%. Apart from this, intervening ...
Each medical record was analyzed according to the resected specimen, bleeding volume, postsurgical hospital stay length, duration of chest tube placement, and VATS time. The distance between pleural surface/fissure and PAVM was measured on CT, and the influence of this distance on identification of...
Bleeding (n = 32, 59.3%) was the main clinical presentation, followed by headache (n = 27, 50.0%), seizures (n = 14, 25.9%), neurofunctional deficits (n = 16, 29.6%), and no symptoms (n = 2, 3.7%). Thirty-one patients (57.4%) accepted resection without intraoperative ...
Objective To research the therapeutic effect for non-carcinomas hemoptysis by selective and super-selective embolization of bleeding arteries. 目的探讨选择性与超选择性栓塞支气管动脉等出血血管对内科治疗疗效不佳的非癌性咯血的治疗作用。 16. 42kb Research progresses of metallic powder materials and nano...